T Boone Pickens: $80 oil within 6 mths, and maybe $100

Billionaire investor Boone Pickens sees oil price getting to $100 mark in the “worst-case” scenario. Barring even the worst case scenario, oil prices will rise to $80 a barrel within six months, Pickens predicted. Pickens bullish bets on energy have propelled him into the Forbes list of the richest Americans.


I’ve been hearing this for 2 years now. Demand is going to decrease come August. There might be a slight bounce as refineries switch over again from gasoline to heating oil in the fall, but unless some serious shit happens in the sandbox with Iran or something we’re not going to $100 oil in 6 months.




god…in 2000 they were 23-26ish…quite the increase

From the link…

on a day a report by Goldman Sachs indicated that crude oil prices might hit the $100 per barrel mark by December should the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) maintain output at current levels.

OPEC will not allow oil to get that high. At that price those difficult/expensive places to get oil from suddenly become very profitable. That means much more oil on the market, and it won’t be coming from OPEC. This was discussed in detail in on of the other gas/oil price theads.

We should all not buy gas on one day.

lol. so you sent out the annoying emails

edit: no really, its a great idea haha

Just for that, I’m slashing your tires the next time I see your car.

Then you can not buy gas for a bunch of days while you wait for new tires :wink:

The only reason an investor says something like this is because they have a boat load of money in the market…try to get some hype and inflate the price…sell off when it happens and make even more loot.

Theres always a sucker willing to do what anyone says…people like this exploit them.

$78.40/barrel. :slight_smile:


Everybody fill up tomorrow. We won’t buy gas all weekend, then enjoy $1.50/gallon on Monday. Yeah!


keep rising oil price

Man my friend is having a field day with the market right now

He’s a volatility trader

Woow vix is at like 24 and a half lol

:lol: Oh man, that’s awesome! 24.5?! I have no idea what that means, but it sounds fucking sweet!



If the Venezuelans wanted to screw us, they should take their $0.11/gal gas, and ship it up here for the Native Americans to sell us at $2.00/gal. Natives win, Venezuelans win, consumer wins, Big Oil looses.

I doubt they’d ship anything here. They hate Bush more than Richard Simmons.

They hate Richard Simmons?

Naw, just a lame attempt at being funny. Venezuela hates Bush more than Richard Simmons hates Bush:

Venezuela hates George W Bush. Richard Simmons was the gayest person I could think of. Gay guys like cock, not vagina AKA bush. :gotme: