Gas Prices....My god

They keep going up not by the cents but by the dime lately. This is some crazy stuff! So yesterday, I passed by delta sonic and I saw 100 Octane for $4.59. 93 octane is $3.69. I was like, wut the hell, 90 cents more a gallon couldnt hurt much more. Dumped it in anyway. Turned the boost way up. It just wouldnt hold. Spike to 23.5 and goes down to about 19 to 20. I want a hybrid now

If I hear one more thing about gas prices… or see one more thread about them UGH. :mad:

lol, yea it sucks but what can ya do


any more comments about gas should be posted in one of the 15 other gas threads.

The way this is going I might as well go to innovative and get some race gas. :tup:

devin you smell

I read an article in and Forbes predicts prices will "crash within 6 months down to $35-$40 per barrel. right now oil is around $65 per barrel. That would be so cool if it happend, that would mean gas would come back down to prices we were paying almost 2 years ago!! around $1.40 or so per gallon. Who knows if theyre right though.

Steven Forbes was on tv today and he said the value is realistically around $30/barrel.
The interviewer thought that was low and Steven remined him that it was only $10/barrel a few years ago!!!

That is wild, it now costs 7 times what it did a few years ago!!!
I can’t think of anything that has gone up like that.

It seems like when demand for oil increases 1% the price rises 20 times that.
In other words if demand is up 2.5% the price goes up50%.
I wish I could get away with charging my customers like that.:eek:

Not to be inconsiderate to the situation… but, if I could sell anything for 100x what it was worth… I would do the same shit…

Basically we needed this, because we have to relize we need to get our dicks out everyone-that-has-oil’s ass and start being more self sufficient… All the oil tycoons laugh their sick ass off, as they rub on Bush’s grundle… Maybe when no one buys oil, this country can worry about other things, like… how to properly prepare for a natural disaster we know about 5 days in advance… that would be cool.

haha grundle

i gotta start using that word more often