OMFG!!!! Gas is $2.05

and oil is at about $35.00 a barrel…


what are you going to do about it

funny you should ask, im gonna go buy more gas for all my cars and bikes. watch out tommorow 207 a gallon.

oil is low…

its f’d

what you mean gas is going up in time for the summer. Thats never happened before.

This post may seem a bit random, but there is a back story. I was filling up my truck after work when a late 70s Suburban comes creaking in to the pumps. The guy gets out and started bitching about the $2.05. I told him that oil was about $35.00 a barrel and he started flipping out. It was kinda funny.

Once gas hits $2.50 again, grnteg98 is going to have to pull me to work.

nobody cares about your gas price thread.

here’s your explanation. happy reading.

:zzz::blah: sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me


Cheaper oil should equal cheaper gas. That’s that.

just whoring through

save the enviroment :jerkit:

I’d still prefer $2.05 over $4.25

a liberal wrote that, for sure.

Considering the current price of a barrel, shouldn’t it be around $1.50 or so? That would be nice.

lol @ you idiots not being able to understand this even after someone posts a link that lays it all right out in front of you. It’s not a bunch of bullshit. It’s 100% accurate. I’m not even going to bother trying to explain hedging to you. :fart: