I just filled up...

I’m a bit worried that they’re going to make the hurricane a scapegoat for rising gas prices.

But 24mpg isn’t bad for my old hunk of burning love. But anyway, I remember when $19 would fill her up, not merely 42% of the tank. Life happens I guess. :frowning:

Yes life does indeed happen.

I want some chocolate oreos for discovering this now.

oh bush is giggling in his bed right now

and he’s clapping. don’t forget the clapping. and maybe he’s shouting “yayyyy” … until he falls asleep… then he dreams about Lance and bass fishermen covered in oil, running around his texas ranch screaming,
“We love you bushy-bush, you’re our hero! Tell us another story about how you lied to America!”

okay okay. I got a little carried away with my visual.

Can’t help but thinking he just sits there watching the intro to Beverly Hillbillies at least twice a day after reading the above. :rofl:

I blame it on you!

Stop stealing my oil!!!

:smash2: just kidding of course

Keep em in line over there!! :shoot:

its a limited resource… and all these damn suv’s on the road arent helping

Just wait till all of these people with SUVs decide its time to sell because they are spending 200 a week on gas… and they cannot sell them, because noone wants them anymore, and meanwhile my jettas value just keeps going up! haha… suckers.

damn it!

55 bux for ~300 miles w/ V6 < ANYTHING

lol, at first this is what I thought you typed:

regardless, I stopped looking at the gas prices, I just swipe my card, pick 93 and fill her up. at least it saves me the headache of knowing im paying double what I payed last year (( different vehicle etc )).

i usually think the idea of ignorance being bliss is stupid, but in this instance i find it very fitting and beneficial. only because i have no intrest in selling my car, and i dont want to go back to driving some diesel POS just for gas milege reasons. and it’s not having some huge financial impact, it just means i dont buy a stupid car magazine here, or bring in my lunch once or twice a week. if doing this stops a headache or being irritable or aggrevated, then it’s worth it


Its funny, gas prices go up and I stop driving my 4 cylinder :lol:
I always do shit half ass backwards.

My Exxon/Mobil stock gains far out-weigh the gas price increase.:smiley:

I’m an evil Republican. :smiley:

I think I will buy a SUV tonight.:smiley:

haha, that’d be even funnier. :lol:

I hear ya, I went from a v8 that got about 20 mpg to a 4cyl that gets 17.

high gas prices = no turbo 4 me

I’m so glad I’m moving to Tonawanda. My commute’s gonna go from 18 miles one way to 13 miles round trip in a month!

What v8 Rob?

hahah thats awesome

i totally feel you on that, i used to work 2 miles away from my house, then i got a new job downtown and im putting on mega miles