Has anyone else thrown in the towel??

I’ve pretty much stopped driving the MR2, two reasons, one much more than the other… mainly gas, shit is out of hand! by all means the mr2 is not bad on gas, but i’ll be damned if i drive it conservativley :stuck_out_tongue: . So in the end i probably end up getting about 10 mpg. I mean, at about 3/gallon that suuucks when you work a decent distance away. I also go back to UB for one class, but that is multiple trips from south buffalo to amherst, so three times a week i drive from kenmore, to south buffalo to work, leave go to amherst, back to south buffalo to work, then back to kenmore. I have needed to do simple ignition repairs on my MR2 (i’ve done parts of it but still need to replace a few parts) but man, i am not motivated to do it what so ever. I’ve got my civic DD on the road, i’ve driven it mainly for the last month almost month and a half. It gets stupid gas milage, its more comfortable, and it doesnt break :stuck_out_tongue:

So all in all this is a pointless thread, and i only explained my situation to set a theme for the thread.

HOWEVER what im wondering has anyone else pretty much ditched the summer car and switched to their daily and/or beater ?? I drive my MR2 MAYBE 10-20 miles per week average for the last 2 months… anyone else?

I will keep driving my Civic till the gas goes to $5.00 THEN I AM GOING TURBO DIESEL!

werd, I am trying to convince my girlfriend to buy a jetta TDI :tup:

lol…bah…i’l keep driving mine…the gas prices do suck ass…but what can ya do…we have to drive…

Subaru at night, or if I’m going out/taking the girl out. All other times I’m whoring a pretty skyblue accord :hay:

commute in the essuvee.
otherwise We’re rockin the fiance’s 4cyl Alero.

Meh, it’s not a big deal IMO. We choose to drive as a way of life, so we choose to pay for it. …I just wish I had spent the $300 on the catback & intake for the Trailblazer though. LoL.

I choose to smoke cig’s, I don’t bitch about the $3 in taxes per pack.


I’ve been riding the bike as much as possible. I just put the 6 cyl. winter car on the road. The GTO will go away very shortly.

evo basically sleeps most of the time, dd is where its at

HEHE finally my car becomes cool. You are all starting to see the light.

i sold the DD… so its VR4 all day every day.

oh well, some people have bigger issues to deal with. I consider myself lucky


I guess i don’t really find that its a huge issue for me, i mean i can afford the gas, but its almost like i fel like im helping the cause for lowering gas prices by switching to the econobox :stuck_out_tongue:

plus its nice to drive a car that you don’t care about (parking in the back of lots, worrying that someones going to try to steal it etc.)

i guess if i had a shitty daily driver i’d think differently though

so far it hasn’t affected me that much… but i can imagine it’ll get worst, and it’ll affect everyone but the rich people who have no financial worries lol

but I’ll be driving my prelude dd now… since it only uses 89 instead of 93 with my civic

Tercelica owns you. But I’m rocking the probe until it’s closer to snowing. First sign of trouble and the beater comes out to play. :tup:

lOl, rich folks only stay rich if they are cheap. :slight_smile:

6200 Shifts all day everyday

Yea, I’ve just about had it with all this shit… Its not fun when your car is in the garage about every two weeks… yea yea, dsm jokes, haha… the simple fact is its a 92 with 160,000miles on it… I feel like I’m polishing a peice of shit…

Hoses blow, belts break, little shit goes left and right… I’m just babying it until I can afford a new car… then my DSM goes into the garage until I figure out what to do with it. It was kinda cool at first working on your own car, and figuring shit out… but it gets old… REAL fast.

My only problem is, my DSM IS my DD… :mad:

So to answer your question… yes… I’ve given up as well…

I put the MR2 away last week. I’m not taking it back to UB after my Civic was hit last year a couple times (no insurance notes, just damage). It aint worth it. I graduate this year, so I won’t have to deal with it anymore at least. Plus, the Civic gets 33+ mpg. And it’s comfortable and smooth as can be.

The Honda can never lose…

the tib still gets 24+ if im easy on it, and only has a 12 gallon tank so filling it up only costs ~30

31 Mpg on the turblo probe with 75% city driving usually beating on it too. :tup:
