Has anyone else thrown in the towel??

I never had a towel to throw in :frowning:

If the increase in the price of gas makes you give up on your car, you’re not really a car guy. It’s one thing to rock the daily a little more here and there, find other means of transportation, or take it easy on your ride for the sake of gas, but to throw in the towell?!?!? I think 90% of this board spends more on cars than the average person. I’m gonna guess a conservative $1000 a year more (mostly in mods). So to give up on all this because of Gas? :tdown:


i havent so much given up on mine for the year but im not exactly rushing to get it going. dont get me wrong i love driving my car (when its not breaking) but its been ill lately with alot of little problems and i just keep watching the gas prices climb. i will have it out a couple more times before winter tho. the beater is rockin for now

when and how do we get these gas prices down?

i agree totally

i think the idea of selling your vehicle to buy an econobox diesel or hybrid is silly. what are you going to do, wait till gas prices go down till you get back into the game? if so, :tdown: to you

Eh, maybe i am using it as an excuse not to waste my money on my car anymore. which would be a damn good thing! I enjoy motorsports, but for one reason or another I’ve been unable to get to anything, drag, autox… im either too busy or my car is broken. I don’t care to drive my car around on the streets much… so I have no driving force to get in my car and go :stuck_out_tongue:

I hear ya about the gas prices but look at it this way. If water prices went up it’s not like you’d flush the toilet less.

Of course, it’s easy for me to say that cause my DD is my company car so I can’t say too much. :roll2: I say just drive it cause you love it. That’s how I justify it.

i never asked my friends for gas money if they needed rides… now i do. not because im cheap, but the gas is worth consideration now.

Why would you put 93 in your civic? hehe…just picking on you. Still drive my car everyday. Got an average of 22 mpg or so, but filling her up takes about $40. Good thing the season is almost over :smiley:

I still drive my T/A pretty regularly when the weather is nice. Mainly because my DD Blazer doesn’t get any better gas mileage. And my commute is short enough that I only fill it once every 2 weeks. For the 30 bucks it costs me per fill, I just view it as the price of enjoyment. Like dinner, movies, yanks tickets, etc.

:headbang: rock on man

Lol thats a good point. Hard to give up because gas costs you an extra 10 bucks at the pump, when you spend $2k on a set of heads (or whatever else your mods are).

Both of my cars get between 26-28mpg on the highway, so it makes no difference to me. I’ll just put in a few more hours of overtime to make up for the price difference. :wink:

I don’t drive anywhere… so no

i won’t throw in the towel, but the idea of a bike is looming more and more overhead…especially with the growing number of problems ive been having…

im done modding for the season and have no desire to race anyone…just a fun car to drive for now…

*update local gas station in my area is now $2.89 for 87 octaine and $3.19 for 93 :tdown:

My DD is pretty good on gas and the stang is rarely driven. When I do drive it, I enjoy 17mpg. I haven’t totally thrown in the towel but my fighter’s knees are looking a little shakey.

:jawdrop: holy shit and just to think it WILL get worse

hot damn! imagine how much it would cost to fill a SUV??!

Can the mods make a “gasoline prices” STICKY thread?
With the recent craziness it would be interesting to see the prices go up and down around WNY.

Right now…
Sunoco @ Seneca & Transit $2.89 for 87 OCT, $2.99 for 89 OCT
$5.29 for 100 OCT
Kwik Fill @ Seneca & Transit $2.85 for 87 OCT.
Poland Spring Water $.99/pint!!! Why does water cost so much more than gas?