Oil could hit $200 a barrel


Oil price ‘may hit $200 a barrel’
Oil well
Global demand for oil has been fuelled by China and India

The price of crude oil could soar to $200 a barrel in as little as six months, as supply continues to struggle to meet demand, a report has warned.

Goldman Sachs energy strategist Argun Murti made the warning as benchmark US light crude passed the $123 mark for the first time.

US sweet, light crude hit an all-time peak of $123.53 (£63.25) on Wednesday, while London Brent crude jumped to $122.32.

Mr Murti correctly predicted three years ago - when oil was about $55 a barrel - that it would pass $100, which it reached for the first time in January of this year.

Chinese demand

Soaring global demand for oil is being led by China’s continuing economic boom and, to a lesser extent, by India’s rapid economic expansion.

US light, sweet crude price graph

Both are now increasingly competing with the US, the European Union and Japan for the lion’s share of global oil production.

This additional demand comes at a time of continuing production problems in a number of oil-producing nations.

Production is down in Nigeria after the latest attacks on pipelines this week by anti-government militants, while Iraqi exports through the north of the country have been hit by renewed cross-border raids by Turkish forces against Kurdish insurgents.

Oil prices are also rising as the key US summer driving season approaches.

Economists warn that continuing high oil prices will impact on the global economy, hitting growth and fuelling inflation.

Oil prices have now risen by 25% in the last four months and 400% since 2001

Billions of Chinese citizens are being able to afford cars and bring a piece of American pie home with them. Millions of new car owners in China annually are driving up the demand for oil ensuring that the price isn’t going down.



We’re so skrooood :rofl

fucking christ, we need to do something

lets drop the bomb :crackup

Shit. You mean GWB asking them to increase oil production didn’t help?

I say we just nuke the whole middle east. All the sand would turn to glass and then we could see the oil underneath! :mwahaha

im buying a scooter

vespa’s ftw

75 miles to the gallon

actually supply has been way up and demand has dropped in the US…it’s just a bunch of bullshit lies we all have been fed…

we just just over run bush and kill em and then kill the fuckers over there


this kind of shit infuriates me… and what the fuck are people like myself supposed to do come winter and we heat with oil!!!

idk move south? best advice I could give ya.

You are going to get anally raped. I’d start now and see if you can buy a ton at a fixed price to avoid buying in the winter at a higher price.

im buying a kei car

maybe I should pick up wind turbine building and solar panels as a hobby.
fyi moving south is not the best solution because you’ll have a huge electrical bill for cooling in the summer instead.

i gotta do something… i dunno what yet but moving aint gonna happen. gotta figure something out. Maybe a wood burner, but i’m lookin at cutting the oil 50/50 with that veggy goodness. we’ll see.

lmao at lets drop the bomb

I’d consider buying now to avoid buying then with high costs. Consider wood burner… Not much you can do :frowning:

i can usually get heating oil at a pretty good price :wink: