get ready for over $4 a gallon this summer. TRUTH.

It’s a record: Oil tops $72 overseas

Iran worries push up prices of Brent, NYMEX crude; Nigeria supply disruptions, fund buying provide support.

April 18, 2006: 7:37 AM EDT

LONDON (Reuters) - Oil surged to a record high above $72 Tuesday on concerns that Iran’s nuclear standoff with the West could cut oil exports from the world’s fourth-largest crude exporter.

In London, North Sea Brent crude oil jumped 74 cents to an all-time high of $72.20 a barrel as Iran and the West exchanged increasingly sharp words over the Islamic Republic’s determination to push ahead with a nuclear program.U.S. light sweet crude for May rose 29 cents to $70.69 a barrel in early trade, hovering just below the intraday high of $70.85, set last August after Hurricane Katrina battered oil infrastructure along the U.S. Gulf Coast.

“The Iranian situation is making us all very nervous… We don’t seem to be getting anywhere on the diplomatic solutions,” said Deborah White, an analyst at SGCIB in Paris.

With almost a quarter of Nigerian oil production still shut after rebel attacks two months ago, oil consumers feel almost as vulnerable as they did during the Arab oil embargo in the 1970s.

Oil prices have soared from $20 at the start of 2002 and are now nearing the inflation-adjusted peaks of over $80 hit in 1980, the year after the Iranian revolution.

Initially fired by strong demand from the United States and the fast-growing economies of China and India, the rise has accelerated over the past year on worries over supplies.

Iraq’s once-significant oil industry is in crisis, Nigerian exports have been slashed by rebel attacks on the world’s eighth-biggest exporter, and consumers are worried that Iran’s exports could fall victim to its nuclear dispute with the West.

The rally has also been aided by big investment funds putting their money into commodities in the hope of higher returns than they get from equities or bonds.

Iran warning

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Iran a nuclear power last week, saying it had enriched uranium to the level used in power stations. On Tuesday, he delivered a warning to any nation considering attacking the Islamic republic.

“Today, Iran’s army is one of the most powerful armies in the world and it will powerfully defend the country’s political borders and the nation,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech during an armed forces parade.

“It will cut off the hands of any aggressors and will make any aggressor regret it,” he added.

The United States has said it wants a diplomatic solution to the standoff but has not ruled out a military option.

It meets with world powers Tuesday to consider targeted sanctions against Iran and has said it wants the U.N. Security Council to be ready to take strong diplomatic action.


The disruption to Nigeria’s crude output will become more critical as the U.S. driving season begins next month. Analysts reckon gasoline stocks in the world’s top oil user fell again last week.

“Nigerian crudes are rich in gasoline, unlike crudes from Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, which are sour, heavier and harder to process,” said Tetsu Emori, chief commodities strategist with Mitsui Bussan Futures.

Ministers from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, who will gather informally this weekend during an International Energy Forum meeting in Doha, have said there is nothing more the group can do to bring down prices.

A senior OPEC delegate told Reuters on Tuesday the group considers current prices too high, and they have nothing to do with the realities of supply and demand.

“OPEC believes strongly that prices are too high and nobody wants to see these prices,” the delegate told Reuters. “(But) it has nothing to do with fundamentals.”

Urgh, they always gets you for summer time when everyone is out crusin’ more. I just filled up yesterday for $3.05…i was like damnnn when did that go up again.


wait, why am i complaining? i don’t pay for my gas.

must be nice

prices are going to be worse than after Katrina

This is going to be one expensive road trip.

man im fucked for the summer :whip: <—me

Yeah, this sucks…I like my Prizm :slight_smile:

I just filled up the Suby yesterday to the tune of $40.80. When I first started driving that would have cost me $15.XX. FUCK!

:hitit: That’s me in front getting screwed by high gas prices… :frowning:

Fuck gas. I’m going to start riding my bike.

glad i got another 600. low rpm’s=60 mpg

just when i sold my 30+ mpg car for a pickup truck…o well

lucky you. im riding a 900rr with -1 in the front and +20 in the rear. prolly getting about 15 mpg on the highway.

thank god i put the bike back on the raod…

42mpg will help

blah blah blah

get ready for $100+ barrels of oil

now we know what the UK feels kinda

Turbo desiel what?

^^^ yeah, this would be a PERFECT time for an Al-Queda strike on an oil pipeline or something oil related- barrels would DEF. be $100+

World as we know it = Over by 2010

i knew it was coming…but not that soon for it to be $4.00 …damn.

Atleast i won’t be driving my car for a month this summer since im staying in Seattle with the boy and then moving closer to amherst before fall semester…less commuting between school, work, and home…

wish i still had my bike…lol

No doubt.

Economy as we know it = over by July 2006

Man, depending on prices in the fall I’m going to seriously be considering putting all this mod money into just buying a 600.

looks like i’ll be spending a lot of another summer on the bike…

but i wanna boost!..waaahhhhh!!!