Some #'s to add to the gas drama

I was thinking about how there is some curiosity about Bush being involved in some of the “shadyness” of the gas prices. So I researched the average gas price when clinton was in office nad when bush was. Now I realize there was a war when bush was in office but I still think it is interesting.

93 1.22 / 01 1.63
94 1.21 / 02 1.51
95 1.23 / 03 1.83
96 1.31 / 04 2.12
97 1.33 / 05 2.47
98 1.16 / 06 2.44
99 1.36
00 1.66

Avg: 1.31 Avg: 2.00

That is a 53% increase and keep in ming prices at 3.00/ gallon were unheard of while clinton was in office. Also the last 3 years the average price for gas was 2.35/gallon. I know there is no way of knowing what really is going on but considering how much $ Bush has in oil it is hard not to think there is something shady going on.

heres one for ya to think they said gas prices wont be down to we are out of middle east. and bush clearly stated before that he isnt pulling out for the remiainer of his term. and since bush is a oil junkie dont you think it all works together?

might be occupying Iran soon :dunno:

and when regan was in office it was under $1 OH NOES!

I know in 1998 or so there was a span where it was under 1 us americ a gallon…man those days were sweet, you could fill up for like 10-12 bucks

i was a senior in h’s when that was going on (1999) i had just gotten the ford pickup

numbers guy

I’m not disagreeing with you that bush makes a buck of the gas prices, but lots of things have gone up in price in the last 13 years. what did a can of coke cost in 1993, or a new mustang, or a house? You have to consider the normal course of inflation too.

i said it before ill say it again GWB sux

I see what you are saying but consider inflation is 3-4%/year. from the 1999 to the 2005 average it went up 82%, now divide that by 6 and that is an average of 13.67% per year for a rough average. So in 1999 lets pretend your average vending machine sold a can of coke for $.50 and now it would sell for $.91. When it is actually at .60 or .65 now which would be 20% increase for 6 years so that would be 3.34% increase which is on par with inflation

ya but there is No living wage in this country… So we are all screwed

prices of everything is goin up no adays yet they are fighting not to rasie the min. wage go figure

THe $1.66/gallon average from 2000 increased at 4% a year would be a tad over $2.00 a gallon now. Considering the war, the hurricanes, the unrest in 3rd world african countries we have nothing to do with, a couple hundred million Chinese now driving SUV’s, and the shit with Iran, prices in the high $2.00 range really aren’t out of whack. As for those conspiracy theorists on here, if Bush is so connected to oil to blow up the gas prices compared to Clinton, how is it that GW Sr. was president during even lower gas prices than Clinton? Go figure :smiley:

you talking about the cost of living increase in pay every year? - i get that or are you talking about raising minimum wage 4% each year

If we invade Iran, we are FUCKED three ways from sunday on oil prices.

4:20 getting to some people here I see lol.

this thread is pointless, you cant compare the two

:1320: :gives: :blanyer: :stupid:

I drank a Sierra Mist at lunch today. I also cut my finger today. I’m not drinking Sierra Mist anymore so I won’t cut my finger again. :smiley:

(Just messin’ with ya.)

yep we are fucked, if you watched the news recently they showed where Paul spadaforta shot his girl at that was about 2yrs ago. and 93 was 1.74 and that was at a bp station known to be .10 higher then other local stations. figure that one out, somewhere around the time he was relected, um he got in and figurd fuck it time to fuck ppl