Some #'s to add to the gas drama

By how much? Lets not forget Bush’s background its no secret, people just dismiss anything other then whats spoonfed to them as conspiracy, …History repeats itself.

i know the oil companys make a huge buck on us, and i know that the gov. is screwing us every which way on the price of gas. who knows whose the bigger ass…
that said, i was talking to a good friend in texas today. he knows quite a few people working in the oil industry. some of their theories blame the gov. souly on the price simply b/c of restrictions put on them.
if they were allowed to drill in this country and in restricted waters off of florida on top of getting a few more refineries to open (seeing how one hasn’t been built since the 70’s due to govt restrictions) they could easily get gas down to 1.50 a gallon. sure they would be making a lot more money,b/c they would ahev and easier time gettign the oil, but it would be a lot less complicated in getting gasoline to the american public.

now, if one would think like a politician, one could think that in one way, being less dependent on foriegn oil, the u.s. might then have the upper hand in global affairs.
this week, the iranian president (i’m not even going to attempt to spell his name) implied that he would use his countries oil suppliy and fields as a weapon in negotiations with the u.n. and the u.s. and its allies. hold oil back, prices go up, and up. they go up, his enemies panic.
bottom line is, he is going to do what he wants b/c he knows that he has alot of what the free world wants and is addicted to, oil. you make me do something i don’t want, or threaten me, then i take away a good chunk of your suppliy.
the same could be said for any middle eastern oil rich country. gov’t uses this, terrorists sure as hell use it. disrupt the pipeline, make life hard for them, etc.
every time the u.s. gets involved in middle east affairs or interest (good or bad) the same subject comes up as reason. oil. wether we’re after it, or its going to be kept from us.
it could be said, then, that in a genius move, the leaders of these countries play the political game far better than anyone gives them credit for. by using oil as leverage, they in turn can bascially turn the popularity of the president and his cabinet in the u.s. into shit in the eyes of americans because we pay too much for fuel.
there for, wouldn’t it make sense for the u.s. to tap into its rich supply of oil, be self sufficent for a change and not have that ace card being held over our head?
what would negioations go like with some of these countries if they suddenly didn’t have a whole bunch of what we and other large countries want?
‘oh, you’re going to make us stop nuclear testing.? fine then. we’re going to keep oil from you. what? you don’t need our oil, uhh uhh’…

just a theroy.

good idea… but wrong time frame… we keep our oil on lock down so that when the oil rich countries in the sand run out… we will have ours for our military… only way i can why things are like they are.

i could be wrong on numbers, but in just our national reserve there is well over 100 years worth of oil.
add that on top of what we haven’t tapped yet in drilling in this country, i think we would have more than enough time to figure out a way to efficently replace fossil fuels as a main means of powering vehicles.

maybe so but think about what you said in your earlier post - oil is power. if we hold all the oil in the world we hold the power correct?

sure, but it’d be a long time until we’d run out. giving us plenty of time to come up with a well thought out, well (pardon the pun) oiled replacement for fossil fuels. sure e85 works, but it almost seems like they haven’t got it working to its potential, the just got it out to the public to tryt o ease fears etc. where in turn for the time being it gets shitter mpg, and is more expensive.
and how long would you keep “saving our stash”? thats going to backfire on us at some point.
i believe the military also has thier own huge reserve. we wouldn’t be tapping in that. besides, half of our military is over there anyhow.

no you dont see what im saying… this is just another tactic by the us… you let the other countries exhaust their supplies of oil…they then have no mobile military weapons, they are essentially back to the horse and buggy. The US opens its reserves and keeps it for itself. It can then do anything it wants.

this just in - we are not going to run out of “fossil” fuels for a long fucking time so hannibal’s theory is shot to shit.

It would be nice to have our country be independent for our basic needs, but that’s just a dream

sorry about the edit. thought of a another way to word things.
and he is right, the world is not going to run out of fossil fuels anytime soon. we’d be waiting hundreds of years for the middle east to run out. they will one day, but not in our life time.

or our kids lifetimes or even their kids. The scientists have been saving we are going to run out every year for the past 35 years.

Oil was discovered not to be a fossil fuel. Also I have never heard of any “Geologist” saying we are running out of oil, I have always heard about 80-100 more years including inflation of usage.

you guys really need to read up… no new real big prespect, ones that they thought were going to be huge have dwindled in ptoduction. Saudi Arabia is pumping in 7 million barrels of sea water to keep pressure up…they are also pumping in nitrogen gas to increas pressure. Its bound to dry up and from what i was reading on a couple different sites is oil production will peab between 1999 - 2015 or some shit like that.

don’t believe everything you read…it is all corrupt…there is always some excuse why they need to rape up at the pump…there is nothing we can truly do about it. I need to get a car that gets 50 mpg and still rips.

its in this months automobile magazine.

its a 1.5 turbo diesel that weighs in at 1500 lbs or something. top speed of 143mph and 0-60 in like 6.9 seconds. (not lightning fast but fast enough)

oh yeah. the only problem is that it only gets 80mpg :stick:


just a concept now. but it has a 1.5 tdi VW motor in it. (said they made the motor just for it) im gonna guess alot because its mostly all carbon fibre. so that means alot of mullah $

will be worth it in the long run !