George W. Douche keeps talking about "America's addiction to oil"


I’m drunk. However, this really pisses me off. America is addicted to oil, and our president is a huge drug dealer, and he spouts off at the mouth about how horrible this is as him and his drug dealer friends make profits in which the world has never seen.



/yourself already

Bush is not some mastermind behind the oil prices. Theres alot more factors then just what happens in the US that drive prices.

Darkstar you need to just realize that he is fucking us all and we can’t do shit about it… Sad but true. Everything we do revolves around the shit, plastic is made from oil, wire coatings, i dont know have the shit but it is a massive business. you know whats funny… Cut your grass and save the clippings and put them in a garbage can let them sit for a couple days and presto, you got oil… don’t believe me try it. Brazil will be oil independent by next year… They started it in the 70s took them akmost 40 years to perfect we are behind the times.

Bush is just a front, let it be.

I think i heard tonight on the news that they are paying like $0.12/gal or something like that? :hs:


Brazil uses mostly Ethanol (even their gasoline has 25% Ethanol in it) that is produced from sugar cane (similar to how we make Ethanol from corn) Ethanol is about $.50 cheaper to produce then gasoline (ex: $1.00 for Ethonal compared to $1.50 for gas)

Bush must be in with the Chinese too since they are consuming more and more oil everyday. And driving up the price of gas.

If you still dont understand why gas prices are going up follow this link please.

ahhh…OK I was only half listening…but still…venezuela > US on gas prices…:ugh:

Well when your a country that is slightly more than twice the size of California and have enough oil to sell to help support the worlds oil demands its only common sense that the people there arent going to spend alot of money on gas. I mean look at any other country where petroleum is the #1 export and see what locals pay for gas.

omg you’re so smart. thanks for helping me out here.

Cool. I’ll trade you all my grass clippings for a case of Castrol 10W-30. :smiley:

Laugh all you want…Its true and how much does a (us) gallon of gas cost in China. They use Alaskan oil to don’t forget.

so we dig up oil in our own country and sell it to other countries and then buy oil from other countries. “Brilliant!!!” /guiness commercial voice. :smiley:

… india consumption is pushing prices, iran is limiting supply, and china is manipulating their currency so you really can’t compare US prices to Chinese ones.

I’m addicted to oil. I love my gasoline fueled vehicles.

Bring on the oil. Though I must admit, if the whole thing in Iraq was really an “oil war”, I’m pretty dissapointed.

Seriously, they need to open up ANWAR.

darkstar sucks

ANWAR wouldnt even put a dent in the US demand for foreign oil.

Thanks, I try to help out when i can.

as for the war. My good friend just got back from Iraq and Served a tour in Afgan. he was on the front lines and did 5 major offesives in Iraq to take 5 cities. he said “we need to be there, period. We always have.”

as for oil prices we should look to the companies who are paying their CEO’s 52 million a year not our president. Like him or not he is not some mastermind driving up oil prices for personal gain