drill our own oil petition.

Heres our chance yall. Time to step up and sign the petition to drill our own oil! Finaly maybe we can tell the saudis to pound sand!
American Solutions

i’m for it…u do know that we get most of our foreign oil from canada and mexico thou…right?

x2…and what oil we do drill will probably be sold to other countries.

even if we did drill our own oil it would take 5-10 years for us to be able to even begin to drill ship and process it…

and by that time gas will be 6-8 bucks a gallon and we will be wishing it was 4 bucks a gallon…

the english laugh at how we are crying that gas is so high they wish it was 4 bucks a gallon

not really, retard. In fact, western PA has tons of oil and tons of existing oil wells. Until recently, with gas being so cheap, it was just too expensive to really do anything with since its not as high of a grade of oil. But you better fucking believe they are processing that shit right now.

And we laugh at the fucked up food the English eat.:rofl: :rofl:


we can have all the oil in the world but our refineries are maxed out.

I would rather see a petition for alternative fuels instead of wasting more time/money on something thats a finite supply.

well 99.9% of the cars on the road today need gas or diesel so all the research in the world isnt goin to help the problem we have TODAY.

besides all of the research that is being done to make those cars run on something besides gas or diesel… :hsugh:

Besides the fact that most of these alternative fuels are to REPLACE the current gasoline as well, theres some bacteria/algea that people have been using to create a gas that would run in our current cars:hsugh:

Algea is by far a better choice then corn, but the downside is it will take a few years to grow enough to produce enough to be used for production.

We really need to do what most of South America does and invest in sugarcane/ethnonol based gas.

The algae seems like the way to go from what I have read, why the hell isn’t it getting more attention.

Oh that’s right fucking politics.

but i dont think we have the climate like brazil does to grow sugarcane.I thought i heard a very small portion of the US has the right climate to even grow sugarcane.

x 2. its been over 30 years since we made another refinery.

From what I have been reading out refineries are only at 85% right now.

Basically people in a position to do something need to unfuck themselves and get on the ball.

I could care less about gas prices and the enviroment, the only thing I don’t like is the fact that our military has to depend on foreign oil to get around. All the middle east has to do is stop sending us oil, wait a few months, and come and take us over.

Instead of the politicians worrying about themselves and getting re-elected, they should worry about the problems they were chosen to fix. How much money was wasted on the obama/hillary/mccain primary?

better lock up your mangina now, them “camel jockeys” will fuck your wife and make you piss in the ohio river without toilet paper to wipe your one eyed snake off !!!

They are trying to break ground on a refinery in SD I read, but the eco-nuts are fighting them every step of the way.

use less gas.

less demand means lower prices.

7th grade business class economics FTW.

$4 gas sucks, but I get 30mpg in the city and 40mpg on the highway. the shit could go to $6 before it would really affect me, and once i stop delivering pizza, i don’t give a fuck if i goes to $10.

the answer is more cars the size of mine. i’d especially like to see them get highly efficient (turbo)diesel motors. we can scale back diesel emissions requirements (ours are MORE STRINGENT THAN EUROPE’S!), and crank out millions of economical cars without costly/intricate hybrid systems.

and petitions are fucking retarded.