drill our own oil petition.

the japanese have been doing that for years. it was only a matter of time until the US had to go that route as well.

yeah but they don’t have as many tree huggers as we do. Just like that SD refinery thing.

While conceding defeat, opponents vowed to keep fighting the controversial project on every imaginable front, pressing on with a lawsuit it filed against the county over the zoning procedures and opposing Hyperion as it applies for a bevy of state and federal permits.

“We have strategies in place to slow or delay all the permit processes,” Ed Cable, chairman of the anti-Hyperion group Save Union County, said after the vote.

These fucking people need to realize, alterative fuels with the support systems needed for changing the curret infrastructure doesn’t happen overnight. If they still want their starbucks coffee and SUV’s to go trekking through the mountains, we need more refineries and have to tap more national oil resources like oil shale in colorado, The alaskan reserves, and parts of the california coast in order to sustain us and bolster the economy to create these new jobs and companies gears towards alternative energy. Right now things are starting to fold so how in the hell can people expect there to be research or companies willing to take the risks to find and implement these new resources when a lot of technology and products use oil in several different ways. This goes way beyond just fuel issues.

What should be going on in D.C. is everyone need to stop and think, ok this is absoultely rediculous and spend money on self sustaining supplies or go into more agreements with Canada and Mexico, and at the same time start blitzing techology that will make the vehicles way more efficient so this doesn’t happen again or atleast be better prepared for it.

All these tree huggers are do now is delaying shit including research and a better way of life for the tail end of our generation and future generations.

again, if we drive cars that use less fuel, we can take longer to develop alternative fuel infrastructure.

still need new refineries that are updated and more efficent

if we continue to rape the earth of all of it’s natural resources there will be no future generations.

and online petitions work, really they do:rolleyes:

So what does delaying everything do?

Sometimes sacrifices need to be made in order to make advancements.

my hope would be that delays would allow officials to think more critically about the situation rather than going into something “guns-a-blazing”.

We’re talking about the people that occupy the upper 10% of the financial food chain… these people dont give a fuck about anything else but their pocket books. Thats the same mentality that got the world fucked when it comes to oil as it is.

it doesnt work that way with gas since its a global market. It would take alot of “using less gas” to make a dent.

use less gas.

less demand means lower prices.

7th grade business class economics FTW.


I know you are so much smarter than that. Yes, very simply, that is how it is working. But the purely speculative idea behind oil and the free trade of it in stock markets around the world is what is really driving the price up.

If less demand simply meant lower prices, then explain to me why worldwide demand dropped .4% in the 1st quarter this year yet prices went up 15%?

It’s just not THAT easy right now.

it very well IS that easy right now. the US is an oil hog hands down. if we cut back, we pay less.

Top World Oil Consumers, 2006
(thousand barrels per day)
Rank Country Consumption
1 United States 20,687
2 China 7,201
3 Japan 5,159
4 Russia 2,811
5 Germany 2,665
6 India 2,572
7 Canada 2,264
8 Brazil 2,217
9 Korea, South 2,174
10 Saudi Arabia 2,139
11 Mexico 1,997
12 France 1,961
13 United Kingdom 1,830
14 Italy 1,732
15 Iran 1,686

ANWAR is no magical solution. It will at best input ~5% increase in US production. We can easily save 15% of consumption by building/driving better cars.

Shane from out of fucking nowhere! :bowdown:

shane, did you see that china lifted their subsidiaries on oil … suppose to lower global overall costs :kekegay:

the truth is…becouse of the enviormental movement…we havent been drilling for oil…and as a matter of fact…we havent built a new refinery in over 30 years!..and to add to the mayham…in state’s like texas…there was a oil price per barrle set at$30…most texas wells are cappd becouse of that…its not that we dont have the oil…its that the government is in the way of getting it…everytime government sticks there hand in something it breaks!..and if your believing the “oil barrens” are raping us…then consider this…oil profit per gallon for exon/mobil ($0.09 per gallon profit)…9 cents per gallon profit…the goverments share! ($0.49) per gallon…on average…0.49 being in low states…heavy blue state’s are higher in taxation like new york…0.64 per gallon tax…who has the obsean profit now…:P…makes ya think …if government really wanted us to pay less they would drop the fed state taxation…but they dont…infact…most liberal politions think we should be paying the same as europe does…that its unfair we have a better life the the rest of the world…allso…if congress passes laws to punish big oil in the form of a profit tax!..we are screwd…bisnesses donot pay taxation!..they pass tax’s on to the consumers…all bisness does this…so that bill will just add fuel to the fire as prices contunue to soar!..god help us