Oil rises as Saudi Arabia nixes Bush plea near $128 a barrel

“Saudi Arabia has rejected a plea from President Bush to increase oil production, a top White House aide said today.”

i hope we nuke them or just take the oil from them and rape their wives (ok j/k on that part) BUT
Bush do something right for once.

AND before you jump all over me… we do ALOT for the Saudis and they shit on us and backstab us in return. those fucking closet Al-Queada bastards.

fuck that whole country.

Tis true. Too bad so many of those countries that are holding us hostage on oil prices depend on us for aid when it comes to food and medical supplies, as well as get their military weapons from us…hmmm guess we’ll have to hike up the prices on everything and squeeze them dry as well.

ORRRRR… Alternative energy


keep that shit out of this thread please :slight_smile:

werd. If we could use more alternative energy we would require less middle east oil which would make THEM poor.

I spent 2 weeks in the middle east and they are perfectly fine without the us

link? not that I doubt it.

Unfortunatly the whole ethanol production bullshit is now causeing the price of food to skyrocket and is using just as much if not more oil to make the shit than we are saving. So its basicly a mute point at this stage. We are going to dig our own graves if we keep it up. Not only will the price of gas be super high, but so will the price of food. So now we cant drive or eat.

Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain and the slew of oil producing countries in the middle east don’t depend on us for shit.

Having been to all of these places…

They live the most baller lifestyles, you don’t have any idea. We rely on them and they hate us. Would you help out someone you don’t like?

which means we wouldn’t control as much of the market…

which means China gets the oil it needs…

which means you’d better learn mandarin.


I couldn’t agree with you more Evil Jay, as ive been there too

We need to stop being pussys and FUCKING DRILL!!! This is retarded. We have a shit load of oil and we cant touch it becuase of the fuckin tree huggers. Fuck them. Tap that shit.

:fail: X 2
open your eyes. we do alot for the Saudis.

Kuwait? Who the fuck helped them when Saddam invaded their country? US.


top of the page-“breaking news”

and Kuwait doesn’t help us? they only allowed us to us there country as a staging ground for a false war

oh and back up your source on us doing alot for the saudis

:fail: dont bring that false war propaganda in here. We saved their ass PERIOD. Doesn’t matter if you were in favor of that war or not.


Don’t you picard me, you pant selling idiot.

We don’t do a damn thing for the Saudi’s.

But since you seem to know so much, what do we do for them?

well how about this for a quick FACT.

Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia by U.S. geologists in the 1930s.( http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3584.htm(

they didnt even find their own damn oil. WE DID.