Bill O'Reilly actually made sense today...

He called for Oil companies to cut their profits by 20% and for Bush to ask OPEC to lower their oil prices an immediate $15 a barrel (the cost of production of a barrel of oil is $4, and the selling price is at $70 right now).

Only problem is OPEC really doesnt have much of a reason to help us out, since we kinda have been bombing/threatening and taking over several of their members… They have already approved the release of oil from the Strategic Oil Reserves and made a declaration that the emissions levels of gas have been temorarliy eased so more gas can be put out. Still, this has the possiblilty to be the most serious energy crisis the US has ever seen… Thank goodness we have a responsible and competent administration to guide us through these murky waters. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :hsugh:

:rofl: kerry 04 !

Umm Kerry wouldn’t have been any better than Bush … Like all democrats he would have crawled into a hole until this was all over. Of course I think it sucks Bush is prob sitting back and laughin because money is going right in his pocket along with the other oil Tycoons. Sounds like O’Rielly has a good plan - -

fuck Bill O’Reilly.

he could support a “Blowjobs for Blanyer” initiative and I’d still wish for him to fall down a steep flight of stairs.

Savage > O’Reilly

i’m seriously praying to the Lord for a third party. they’re both so far gone, it’s like star wars type gone dark side from both of them. one party is too dumb to fuckin win basically a ‘gimme’ election and the other is backed by unfathomable greed and wealth coupled with dumb asses claiming morality… but it won’t happen… least not till it’s too late

three parties? ok:

The Liberals.
The Conservatives.
The Democratic Republicans.

works for me.

don’t really see the administration hurting or helping here. the fact is oil production is cut no matter where it comes from so prices go up. if you think there isn’t goin to be gas to fill your car you are on crack.

wtf, Third parties are good. I think I’m a republican, but I might not be. I like both guns and porn.

what am I?


amazing how you are able to discern alternate outcomes without them ever having happened. Do you also exist in a parallel universe where Kerry WAS elected, and you were able to see him handle the situation, and then have the divine abilitly to compare the two and then ever so humbly bestow this immaculate knowledge to us lowly Pittspeeder’s? Amazing…

<------- Registered Libertarian

best party ever.

Alternative outcomes? Well looking back on Kerry’s wishy washy bs on every other position that he tried to take a stand on…Him during flood — >well um umm scratches head - Maybe we should send help…wait no no Don’t - -

I am neither Republican or Democrat but in the last election I would have considered an inanimate object over these two jokes…I don’t have the time to get into a political discussion with you, it would last for days and I’m not going to waste my time.

rookee “i’m seriously praying to the Lord for a third party. they’re both so far gone, it’s like star wars type gone dark side from both of them. one party is too dumb to fuckin win basically a ‘gimme’ election and the other is backed by unfathomable greed and wealth coupled with dumb asses claiming morality… but it won’t happen… least not till it’s too late”


yet you can clearly forsee the future on how this is going to be handled by this administration?

don’t forget the bush family is heavily linked financially to our wonderful oil producing allies in saudi arabia, the more we get qouged the more the bush’s make.

so what? sounds like a smart investment to me… if i could have a hand in oil companies i’d be right there on the front line laughing at everyone paying for gas… he’s a smart man for that… but you can’t honestly think that he’s playing the role of MAKING the gas prices so high just so he can sit back? did you happen to watch the weather in the past week? lots of rain down south :rolleyes:

you people are amazing… do you think bush is the first president to have investments in oil companies?

it’s the general public freaking out that is causing the gas prices to go up… remember capitalism? well say 6 months ago, gas was gas, it’s cost was in relation to oil prices and that’s about that… now, after all this flooding, you have people in WESTERN PA freaking out buying all the gas they can get in their cars… why? did everyone all of a sudden start using MORE gas? no… people just think the end of the world is coming so they buy it all up… so mass consumption of a product does what to it’s price? raises it, then lowers it… so right now we’re in the wake of rising gas prices… but it’s not going to stay that way.

what happens in 2 months when shit’s no longer going down and people are back to regular thinking… and there arn’t lines at gas stations and people refreshing cnn’s website every 5 seconds.

it’s the economy, it goes up and down… granted this time is a large jump and it might not be over… but back in the 80’s they had it worse thus far.

I am glad we are surrounded by good, intelligent people who can see past the BS. :grouphug:

Back on topic,

Maybe the 20% profit reduction would help in the short term, but we need to buffer that with a long term plan.

Has anyone heard about any initiatives to convert coal into gasoline, diesel, etc.? It is said that the Germans discovered a relatively cost effective process during WW2…but the relative thing about the cost effectiveness was that the cost per bbl of oil would have to be greater than $30 per bbl.

I’m wondering if that was that $30 a bbl back then or $30 a bbl now?

If it’s $30 a bbl now, we’re sitting on some of the largest deposits of coal in the world…just a thought.

No he’s definitly not the first president to be invested in oil companies, he has a father too. The problem I have with that is, a leader should not be making policies based on personal investments, they should be made for the good of the country, nuff said.

well as i asked you, waht makes you think he’s making these desicions based on his economic welfare? do you not realize that he’s going to have money regardless of what happens to oil / gas prices?

i’m not one to keep my opinion to myself, but it’s not like i’m jsut going to go out and make accusations about govermental policy because that’s what i rationalized in my head…

you have no idea how gas prices and oil prices are regulated, you have no idea how increase in prices are handed down to stations… so how do you know that bush is doing anything for his personal well being and that he,himself, can dominate this market and direct the pricing as he pleases? i’d honestly love someone to actually provide some data or at least some sort of resemblence of policy changes that indicate it.

like i said… if people all freaked out today and HAD TO HAVE levi jeans… in 2 days the price on levi jeans would sky rocket… it’s the basis of capitalism… it’s how the economy works, raise in demand = raise in prices = less demand = drop in prices.

if peoepl would stop freaking out then gas woudln’t be so mcuh.

but go ahead and blame the bush family… make biased opinions and unfounded claims and continue to hate on the president…

i’m not blaming bush… i’m blaiming big oil. if i lose a customer i don’t charge all my other customers more money so as not to lose profits. in TRUE CAPITALISM you have to lose money sometimes. they lose a couple refineries and jump up prices nationwide. benefit of being 1. a geographic monopoly and 2. in with the GOP… opportunistic capitalism AKA screwing ppl when they’re down

No where did I say that bush is making the prices higher, I think it is wrong though, that someone who has a personal investment in said companies should be allowed to make descisions, conflict of interest… And why shouldn’t I question it? shouldn’t we for said reasons be looking really hard at what he’s doing? He’s not my friend, I don’t know him, of course I’m going to be skeptical of what he does.