T-minus 30 hours...

lol doubtful. But she’s cool with a boat! :tup:

I’ll just have to borrow your bike to get my fix. :tup: Last summer I spent about 8 hours on my buddy’s R6. We rode with his club from Chicago up into Wisconsin. I’m so used to my 80’s Hondas that it caught me off guard the time I cracked the throttle on an open highway, looked down and saw a buck-twenty on the speedo. :gotme: Or the time I wound it up to redline slowly (just to hear what 16k rpm between your legs sounds like) then quickly shifted into 2nd and the front wheel came up on me.

Fun times, but alas. I can deal with a boat for a while though. You have a lot more room to :hitit: on a boat than on a motorcycle. Although I hear that once you get married that becomes less of a concern? :cry: