my phone got ran through the wash, it turned on. but now, even with a new battery it won’t hold a charge. does anyone have a phone that takes a T-mobile sim card taht they want to sell? i don’t need anything fancy just enough to get me through my contract. any help is much appreciated :bigthumb:
i was looking at coverage maps and whatnot… GSM still can’t touch CDMA in America. It’s a fucking shame that it’s so much more of a pain in the ass to get a nice phone (i.e. NO PROPRIETARY GUI) on Verizon.
As long as they have coverage where I go and have a plan that fits me, I need unlimited text and a shit load of minutes, then they are good in my book.
your phone isn’t holding a charge because of the water that got in it obviously…there are some charging circuits that are crossed due to corrosion…phones corrode in a small amount of time (2 to 4 days)…how much more of your contract is left?