T/W: RARE nismo recaro seat, nismo s14 270r grill

i’m just testing waters for now. i’m just a bit short on cash so i MAY consider selling this. I paid a hefty amount of $$ to get these from japan. they are in very good condition and lightly used. never got a chance to install them yet. once theyre in they will no longer be for sale. has no rails. $1200


i also have a nismo 270r grill i got from japan. very hard to come by. no broken tabs and in black. $200

pic of it on my car

picture on a nismo a 270r

box not included.

please dont thread crap. all items are authentic nismo.

any questions please contact me at email: jon_john_9017@hotmail.com
or simply pm me. i barely check the forums so if you post on the thread i may take a bit to reply back



omg i’m gettin a nice tax return

omg omg

can these fit a maxima or can i just get a universal sliders?

ohh man those seats are the best I’ve seen yet!!! i wish i had the $$ for 'em…
great products !! GOOD LUCK with the sale!:slight_smile:

Jon you nismo freak, why you selling those stuff?

he clearly stated not to thread crap! if you’re not going to buy please dont post!

^ i did ask a Q.

yes you just need some sliders compatiable to recaro reclinables

nipy: i know you asked a question :stuck_out_tongue: anywho i dont even know if mr. bond will be selling this lol…


bump … updated pics

taking offers on the seat… no lowballers

those seats are reclinable right?? those are some pimp seats man!
I will consider if someone wants to split the cost, i only want one.