T61 Turbo FS

as far as i remember, to4S covers with the 4inch inlet are .70 a/r t04E covers are .60

I just got an offer for 350 cash picked up. Hrm.

Considering the economy, I’d take it…

i’ll give 380 and i’ll pick up

You need to PM me by 10:00am and let me know if your serious. He’s driving in from MA, and I dont want to lose the seller/or waste his time.


Pm sent!!

Boya 9:59

Wow that’s cutting it close :lol What kind of car/engine do you have anyway?

Your tellin me.

2.0l motor

but it’s got some help to make this snail turn :sneaky:

if you twincharge that thing i will kick you in the nuts for it… then laugh as you beat some civics.

i have no idea what your talking about

i have no idea what your talking about :ninja

its ok… they are only civics.

it’s just a saturn man… it’s made out of plastic… it runs on hugs and kisses

Would this spool well on my quad?

oh yeah… well my car runs on methane and butterfinger bars.

sweet mine runs on meth too. lol

i can run on butter fingers tho

methane… as in methane gas… as in FARTS… NOT methANOL… and butterfinger = peanut butter… peanut butter gives me the shits… hence the source for the methane… ya follow?

i mean i do fart a lot but i think it’s due to all the salads i eat… damn green leafy goodness

Sold sold sold