
my favorite gauge maker is autometer, but i dont want a HUGE tach i’d be happy with like a 3inch tach with a shift light but i cant seem to find one :frowning:
i dont want a ricey glowing one, i’d much rather have a carbon fiber or black faced tach, perfer up to 8000rpms but no more then 10000rpms…

so are their any other big gauge making companys besides faze which im thinking of off the top of my head?
and who makes like a 3 inch tach with shift light?

ebay, do you have a tach stock?

ya i got a stock tach but i can never pay attention to it lol

Who says you’d pay attention to an aftermarket one then? Just get a shift light from harlan.


I agree with neonmike22, you cannot watch a tachometer. shift lights are the way to go. another company to check out proform, they make alot of stuff

jesus christ! i think i’d know when to shift with something like that lol

i like it. it is foolproof though :bigthumb:


but another thing is if i plan to autox this year i may want to keep an eye on my rpm… even tho i know the feel of it already

I originally had it in a pod just above the steering wheel and it was even brighter. The idea with the new one is that if i have the steering wheel turned, all 3 lights wouldn’t be blocked by my hand or the wheel itself. Not that I really like to be cornering up around the rev limiter, but it is nice for open-track sessions where you might be cornering with the need to shift.

I don’t really watch the tach at all. Once i get off the line and get into 2nd gear, you more or less stay there. I’ll even short shift at times depending on the start design. The rev limiter will let you know if the straightaway was too long, and if you’re bogging 2nd gear you’ve driven the course wrong.

cool thanks

why do you need a tach… once you get used to the car, you should just basically know when to shift by the feel of the car.

Big tach = ricey waste of money.

Learn to multitask, to scan back and forth between the outside and gauges, like they tought me when I was learning to fly!

mike, how would i wire up a shift light to the stock tach?? btw my tach is off by like 100-200 rpms from installing the reverse glow gauges :frowning: so that would probably be a factor upon putting just a shift light in

http://www.harlan-engineering.com/store/store.html i found the harlen! and its def what im looking for instead of a huge tach with a light!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: but im guessing my tach in my car has to be perfectly set to the right rpm?

so ur never now when to shift ur stang? :moon:

when you drive a slow car you have plenty of time to look at the tach between shifts!

It’s adjustable in 100 rpm incrments. What you do is:
wire it up so that it works
take the cover off the gauge cluster
remove the tach needle
turn the car on
slowly raise the light’s on point in 100 rpm increments until it comes on replace the tach needle at that RPM point and it should match the light

I have my light set to 7000, and the tach is spot-on with the light, so unless the signal from the PCM is somehow wrong (it’s not), i know i’ve got a decent tach.

still confused lol… it was a long day today