Hey anyone i nthe buffalo area have a set of Tactrix Cables for an evo 8 I can use for a few days. I am gettin a reflash and cant find anyone local who has a set. Ill give ya $25 bucks for the trouble.
Let me know.
Hey anyone i nthe buffalo area have a set of Tactrix Cables for an evo 8 I can use for a few days. I am gettin a reflash and cant find anyone local who has a set. Ill give ya $25 bucks for the trouble.
Let me know.
Jeller is selling one for $40, if he still has it. Thats a nice deal right there. Then you will own one for future tunes!
jeller sold his
pm either letitroll or psphinx81
they both have one
i have one, not selling it but i may lend it out, i work in tonawanda. pm me
i have one. my car isnt going anywhere for a long time.
if u break it, u owe me a new one though :lol:
I am getting a tune soon, just ordered my new exhaust. Soon as it comes in and I get it all installed the tune is next. I would like to grab a set of my own, but if push comes to shove and I can’t find a set before I need them I will just need a set to use. I will keep you guys posted.
I am taking to a guy on evom.net who is selling a set. Used them once then wrecked his car. SO if that falls through I will still be on the look out. Thanks