Take That Wright Brothers

unreal. didn’t even roll…

hahahahaha thats jokes :stuck_out_tongue: Cool…!

sick drift

now that is Nuts, I wonder how badly beat the car was after that

see how good the down force is even in mid air lol…

it got such areodyamics even sideways…

no wonder not every one can afford one…

Here’s the video

that was impressive


must have been that rear wing that kept it in place…

you know what that means… we all must get one!!

Not sure if this is a repost but, fascinating none the less:

Last weekend during a practice lap at Mid-Ohio Raceway the 009 Aston Martin ALMS went airborne off the track and “flew” 142 feet before landing off the track in the dirt. The track was reportedly wet and the unidentified driver lost control under braking. Fortunately his car was the only one on that part of the track at the time and it amazingly remained level during its separation with terra firma.

These pics were found on the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club (NASIOC) forum, and those guys know a lot about flying cars from watching Subies take flight in World Rally competition. One astute forum member noted that the first record of powered flight by the Wright brothers on December 17th, 1903 lasted for 120 feet and 12 seconds. We checked it out, it’s true, which means the Aston beat the Wright brothers’ first flight by 22 feet.

unreal. didn’t even roll…

hahahahaha thats jokes :stuck_out_tongue: Cool…!

sick drift

now that is Nuts, I wonder how badly beat the car was after that

see how good the down force is even in mid air lol…

it got such areodyamics even sideways…

no wonder not every one can afford one…

Here’s the video

that was impressive


must have been that rear wing that kept it in place…

you know what that means… we all must get one!!