talon = pissed off...



those inlets/outlets are 3" badboys

ic is 3.5" thick

it’s a lil crooked as it’s just hanging by wire i was test fitting the bumper and crash bars

Show car :kekegay:

Looking good kurt


looks :scared: to me

Nice radiator :slight_smile:


dude thats not a radiator its a transmission cooler :doh:

power steering, it replaced the metal tube style cooler :wink:

maybe its an air intake that would be hawt :rofl:

looks like a muffler to me

4 inch cores ftw

if i could have got a 4" one with the dimensions i wanted at the price i was going to pay i would have…3.5" is just going to have to do


anything will fit!!

nahh looks good


mainly they were tall and narrow…i’m not pushing the 1000hp level hopefully just 700 so this should do


does it run yet?

Cant wait to see this thing go.

I’d be pissed too if I was up on blocks for 2 years