Tasmin TVR

So I was coming home from work around 9:30 tonight and came up on one of these on Delaware. Tasmin TVR. First time I have ever seen one and don’t really know a thing about them but the ass end kind of reminded me of a Scirocco.
Sorry that I did not get a pic of it… But these I found online will get the point across.

More info on them here


Redrocket’s dad has a yellow one, very cool car.

Speaking of rare cars, I saw a red Murkur XR4Ti today also… with no rust. :bloated:

Thats a surprise…
Their has always been something about those that I liked… :gotme:

Back in the 80s a guy in EA had a TVR 280i, I checked it out one time, the body quality was absolutely terrible.
It looked like a cheap kit car body.
One other thing I noticed was that the convertible top only had velcro holding it down behind the driver’s door so you could peel it up and open the locked door!
Today TVRs are huge performance cars in Europe and they look sharp too.

I swear the taillights are off a 79 Scirocco…


A friend of mine has a TMC that has tails that look like a Scirocco too!
(Only 26 TMCs were made and he has one of two in North America.
They were made by Frank Costin of Cosworth fame.
I think Superior is trying to sell it for him.)



my good jesus thats hideous!

It wasn’t made to be pretty, it drives like a go-cart.