Tattoo Artist Friend PICs

my buddy jon wanted pics of himself at work, and i was able to apply it to a project for school so i snapped a few -

:tup: HOD

very cool pics :tup:

Take it easy there Micah jr.

Just kidding, those pics turned out well.

The editing after the fact may not be so necessary.

only rly the top two have minor post processing other than adjusting contrast a little on all of them…but i think it gives those 2 a little…CHARM

Jon’s a Rad Dude.

Word up.

The word minor may be misused though.

I like this one:


Asian = New Tribal ?

thx -idk, brightness/contrast and shadow/highlight are the only things done to any of them, so idk how major or drastic any editing was.

and yea lot of asian stuff going on lately for sure, but here this is not so much jons work, hes trying to make something out of someone elses mistake i guess.


micah should start charging you fools for licensing of his editing style

its not even his style that most people refer to, its that everyone that is into cars in WNY that owns a camera gets some lame joke about micah, its not THAT funny :mamoru:
newman should charge you for having a subaru, and micah can charge you for having a black car

I was talking about the style more than the photography aspect. Many people share similar hobbies. The application of those hobbies, whatever they are- when redundant- is what initiates the lemming comments. Be it time attack wheels, asian tattoos or the alleged rise against fanboys.


I like your site, I just wish it loaded a little faster.

:tup: nice pics.

WTF gay shit is up with your name?

thanks, i agree, it is slow, but im not great at site stuff and its the easiest program to use by far :\

looks pretty damn good. :tup:

:mamoru: :mamoru: back at you for the following:

One: It is his style as in you edit them the same way, desaturate, vignette, jack contrast up, jack highlights up, jack shadows up. It’s not a big deal I was just making a comment, as almost all of the people that have picked up SLR’s on nyspeed have copped his style. Who cares if you like it, go with it, it was a joke. :mamoru:

Two: My car is not black :mamoru:

edit: to be clear, the editing style is right for the pictures, it is tattoo’s they are dark, grimey hatever. I am not saying anything bad about the pictures I think they are cool and the lighting is nice… just simple “lol” comment about the abundance of the above described editing method of people on this forum :stuck_out_tongue:

edit2: i also like the same picture adam said he liked b/c it is a well composed/lit picture and it is pretty raw. there, i am not just being a hater, take your compliment :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep everyone has migrated from Tribal and Barbed wire to Koy fish and waves…How fucking original.

nice work! i love the colors

i dont think asian is new tribal. asian tat has always been and always will…

people who get tribal tats usually have no meaning, asian tats have true meaning, granted some posers get asian just to get it, so i think its truly based on the person, and the reason they give for getting it, whether the tat is lame or not.