HOD tattoo on elmwood. these guys do mindblowing work. you have to remember there are 40 something (i think it is 43) tattoo shops in erie county. That is the second highest amount of shops per capital in the US other than somewhere in San Fran. Most poeple around here dont even know what a good tattoo looks like since WNY is FLOODED with bad ones. check it out.
I also highly recommend http://www.myspace.com/renaissancestudios , and divine machine tattoos which is also on main st. Cory cudney http://images.google.com/images?q=cory+cudney&hl=en does some real official shit. I can’t believe he is tattooing at that level and still in buffalo.
I can also highly recommend Steve, (and only steve) at carl’s tattooing in N.T. Great guy, and he knocks out a realllllll solid tat.
For those of you interested in looking at some great work :
If you want to see what the best tattoos (in NYS) look like go here:
Some of these dudes make 3-400,000 a year tattooing, and are not accepting any new clientele. fucking insane dude. My girlfriend has a $3000 half sleeve from chris o’donnel. If you like any of the people on that site, google them because they all have web pages with way better stuff.
If you want to see some less traditional / japanese style work these guys all do some insane new school / colorbomb /progressive work. Josh woods is an ex-buffaloian.
In November I am going to san francisco to get tattooed here by jeff whitehead. These guys are all out of there minds. sooo good.
If you find yourself liking japanese style tattoos check out the master horiyoshi III. http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=horiyoshi+III&btnG=Search
I was lucky enough to see a horiyoshi III backpiece last night, and it was unreal. pictures never do tattoos justice. If only I was japanese.
Since my girlfriend and her brothers own HOD, I won’t say anything bad about anyone. I wouldn’t anyways. A lot of people devolop an emotional connection and a friendship with thier artists. But i do have all of the horror stories, and I see jon covering everyone else’s garbage on the daily.
My best advice to you (all of you) is to go around, and check out portfolios, and find a place you feel comfortable. It is going to be to be there forever.
and trust me. 4 hours ago I was buying plane tickets to the london convention as a birthday present for my girl. (only to find out her passport is MIA)
Hope this helps! PM me if you have any other questions.