Tax Return Question

Well ive been outta school for a while now, so my dad cant claim me, will that affect how much I get back in my return? I know he claimed me last year and boned me outta the stimulas check. So more or less my question is will I get a better tax return because hes not claiming me this year?

It will all depend on income, your tax bracket, how much interest you have paid on your student loans, if you own a house, if you are married etc… That one change may or may not effect your return hugely. I mean yes you will get the return not him if there is one, but you will also owe any shortages.

depends on what you made and what you paid, if you get anything then YES it will be better than last years outcome…

but, if you owe, then it will not be any better.

this isnt one of those universal things.

well good thing about it I dont own a house im single, I shouldnt owe anything I had a decent amount taken out for taxes this year.

If you owned a house thats an advantage :picard:

lol i wish only 23 still got some growing up to do :nerd:

aberfitch82, you’re a dumbass.

I can’t really come up with a solid reason why, but when i read your post it just makes me feel bad for you.

EDIT: YOU’RE 23? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL wtf. I had you pegged at 17 and just getting out of highschool.

lol thanks

owning a house = write off, not more money owed.

I thought you were like 17 too.


I think it’s this statement:

I know he claimed me last year and boned me outta the government check.

I guess newman and I are the idiots though, he said hes been out of school for a while which atleast makes him 20 id think… which is even more disheartening.

idk, i was 17 when i started college. If i was about to start college, i’d say i’d been out of highschool for a while. :gotme:

no I went for 2 semesters and took a year off, I needed to get myself financially stable again goin to school and only working part time wasnt paying the bills I have racked up

Sorry but I have to agree…

9 times out of 10, “taking a year off” /= 1 year.

with who or what/?!?!??!?!

Sorry but I have to LOL…

If you are Single, do not own a home, and do not have kids, you will pay the highest possible tax.

on another note, it’s amazing how many people at my work commit tax fraud, IE claiming 10 ect…

this is categorically untrue.

the original poster’s question is virtually impossible to answer without significantly more information.

Yes, your return should/might increase. My father claimed me last year and my return was like $100 I checked on turbotax and if he Didn’t claim me it would have been about 900-1100 bucks.