taxes vs president

i don’t want to start with you… but that’s exactly my point… some people’s taxes aren’t others yearly bonuses… regardless of income. No ones income tax should be reprovisioned privately as a tax rebate. the amount of people is irrelevant… you should be taxed just like your neighbor and those taxes should feed social needs… and i mean that loosely, not social handouts. “Free money” doesn’t work and doesn’t make sense.

energy expenditures are a large part of a companies budget… think of companies that require machines running off power to complete a task, it’s 99% of the market out there, so Energy plays a large role… and during the last debate McCain made it pretty clear that he’s open for all power sources, not just new-clear.

workers pay tax on health coverage, vs. having pre-tax dollars being taken out on the companies dime… i don’t see the huge issue here? Healthcare is private. A person should make sure they are covered to the degree they want, this is different depending on lifestyle, a 26 year old single guy is going to have different needs from a 29 year old married with kids… its just won’t work to have a ‘blanket’ / ‘national’ plan… it’s proven in other countries with far less people to be a simple numbers game.

Gun Control is a right, read the bill of rights, naturally the copy before edited by Obama and his ‘scholars’ at the Joyce Foundation :wink:

how is race have anything to do here? actually i think you’re the first person to bring it up!

first year deduction and equipment write-off and depreciation are two largely different things. this is when a startup is licensed they have a year to write off, but if a business doesn’t take off or take a huge capital plunge in year one, they can’t take those steps of having a tax break on their new initial start up costs… I think they what they are suggesting is that they might allow this first year startup tax break to happen more often? dunno, total guess never heard anything about it until now.

capital gains tax helps small business when a private company goes public… Bush was the guy to lower these (both short and long term) and then signed into a reconciliation act that these short-term lower rates will stay through 2011.

more of the same what? his views and alliances are similar because McCain is a republican, but he differs on all subjects just like any other person running for office. Some thing need to change and inevitably will. what is the same?

why would someone who makes income not pay income tax?

ANYWAY… i thought that mccain taxed everyone and Obama gave tax breaks… or is it that mccain didn’t tax everyone and only obama taxed the rich??? or is it that obama taxes the rich and mccain taxes everyone?

i don’t get it ( about two weeks back obama was taxing me more, now i’m getting taxed the same???):