taxes vs president

Val, you know I like you (besides what everyone else says about you :slight_smile: ) But I can’t give you a pass on these comments. I’m speaking from personal experience and not from presidential campaign propaganda.

The biggest expense in my businesses are TAXES!!! Don’t be fooled by the Democratic hype. I’m taxed andd taxed and taxed again as follows:
Federal income tax, PA state tax, local real estate tax, yearly corporate privilege tax, employers portion of employees tax, for myself employers portion of employees tax plus employees tax (since I am both the employer of myself and paid as an employee) medicare tax, employee privilege tax, sales tax (on anything I do not resell), fuel tax (you should see how much this actually is), cell phone tax, hazardous waste tax, when I fly to visit a potential customer I pay a 7.5% tax on the entire air fare plus a $3 per flight segment tax and a $2.50 per segment “security” tax, the outrageous fees I have to pay may tax preparer to pay may quarterly estimated taxes and prepare my year-end taxes. The there’s the inflated cost of all the products I purchase due to the seller being taxed which in fact is just a tax passed on to me (and you). I could go on but I think you get the idea.

On the personal side the same could be said for taxes. Look at your paycheck, fuel bill, phone bill, utility bill, grocery bill, car parts bill etc. and add up how much you pay in taxes each year and ask yourself what you get in return for all your hard work.

Again Val you’re wrong on this and speaking from presidential campaign propaganda and lack of personal experience (Obama’s second greatest weakness, his first being a socialist in a capitalistic society)

You can point me to all the websites you want but I have been filing tax returns for a long time and trust me, not all small businesses file a separate return. Additional forms, yes, separate returns, no.

Let me stress one thing here, as long as I can remember (and that time frame is decreasing with age) I have NEVER seen a Democratic (and too many Republicans these days) reduce a tax. With Obama being the most liberal, socialist leaning member of his party voting to the left of even the only Socialist Party member in congress (B. Sanders - Vermont) anybody who believes that hard work should be rewarded and that “if you don’t work you don’t eat” should be shaking in their boots!

One final note on this: From a practical point of view, with employers (small and large) already being taxed to death (especially here in Pa.) causing them to relocate to other cities, countries with corporate friendly tax rates. With the economy slowing and corporations being forced to reduce headcount and cut expenses every way possible what do you think will happen when you tax the shrinking profits that they are making now? Let me give you a hint - Temps, green cards, layoffs, China, India, illegal aliens

My point here was about Obama’s character (or lack of it). He’s is a bold faced liar about his stance on gun control. Why doesn’t he just come out and say how he feels and has acted on this issue in the past. I would respect him much more if he were truthful. I would disagree with him but at least I would be more likely to trust him. With his outright lies here and the fact that this really is a smaller issue in the overall scheme of things, I have to ask myself what else he is lying about or willing to lie about to get elected?

In my eyes you crossed the line with this comment and are drinking the Obamamania kool-aid here. The only person in this campaign to mention race is Obama with comments like “Oh, and did I mention he was black” when referring to faces on our dollar bills.

If it’s any comfort to you I wrote in Alan Keyes in 1996 and think that Condoleezza Rice would be a far better candidate for president than Obama or Biden.

In summary I think that it’s a sad time for our country when McCain and Obama are the only two feasible choices we have for the president of the greatest country in the world. Both parties have failed us by presenting either of these candidates.