taxes vs president

I am not sure I understood you 100%, but the problem with the mortgage crisis is exactly this statement “I’m sorry, but no one but me will say when i can and cannot afford something.” Most of America is financially illiterate and cannot make the same type of decision that YOU personally can make. I say that because I know you, but do you know the rest of American that well, I don’t, and I see where this caused us to be. You keep blaming these people that bought stuff that couldn’t afford it, well, when we put something in place so this doesn’t happen and now have to deal with the financial burden, we are infringeing on your capitalistic rights? Pick one or the other, can’t keep jumping the fence on something like this…Do you want to privatize gains and socialize looses? This is socialism of the elite and what is happening now.

If you read again, I said that only 2% of American small business makes over 250/yr Regardless, the definition of small business is reasonably skewed, under 100 employees (I think it’s changed to 75, but I haven’t discussed this with my CPA lately) is what I understand…and when they talk about income it’s NET profit not gross value or revenues…you can look at a balance sheet until you are blue in the face, but at the end of the day a small business is not 5 guys like you, when you read the facts it like 490,XXX small business that make over 250K, and like 34million that aren’t…

P.S. The census is outdated since it’s 2002 data…firms and a small business aren’t all the same thing, yes it’s people based, but not everyone who files Schedule C, F etc are actually a small business like my example of mccain getting royalties on his book and filing Schedule C…

I appreciate that you see it as a discussion and take no offense to it. That’s not my intention.

So, what about the 6 out of the 8 years of these unregulated policies that the Bush administration fostered. If Clinton was such a bad President, why was the economy flourishing under him and we ran SSI surplus and federal surplus? Why didn’t the Bush administration do enough to regulate these policies that you blame on the Democrats of the past.

If you want to start playing the blame game, look at Bill Graham (the de-regulator himself) and his connection to McCain. I will agree that McCain decided to fire the chief of the SEC (unfortunately, that’s not even under the Presidential power). Bush put people in place of these regulatory commissions and gov. agencies that were anti regulation. Bush deregulated the EPA/Credit Card Companies and there are many more examples. What about the deregulation of Oil Commodities Market the US has no oversight, and who started the investigation on that, yeah that same congress that you are currently blaming. Jobs baby jobs, not drill baby drill! And if you listen to McCain now, he is just regurgitating Hillary Clinton’s economic views. Listen at the debate, he essentially took her plan and made it his.

Now, regarding the Ayers and Acorn. He served on the same board. He denounced his actions of the past. Ayers teaches at the University of Chicago, they were colleagues. It’s not like Obama was having an Arsenio Hall show for Ayers. They weren’t hanging out together as the right wants you to believe. He looked you straight in the face and said exactly what his views and contacts were and are with both. If you don’t want to believe him, that’s fine, but that’s straight talk.

Let’s get on the plumber discussion, McCain’s strong point for the debate, or so he thought…