Teacher beats student

Holy fuck what a fucking cunt

jesus christ. i’m absolutely speachless. thought it was some kind of sick joke at first (just playing around)

God damn! I bet she’s a crazy fuck!

WTF how did none of the other classmates do anything besides just stand there and do nothing. thats really messed up

dude really :rofl


Kid must have ADD/ADHD, right Ilya?

fuck, its gone :frowning:

Where I saw it:


Nah man, you know that kid was being a wise ass… teachers have rights too…


More teachers need to start beating kids. I was the only white kid I knew growing up who got my azz beat if I got in trouble at school. Buncha punks.

this video made me want to tackle someone

LOL that vid ROCKED. Kid got what he deserved. He had that coming just from his hair cut.

ghetto schools employe ghetto teachers… what do you expect?

I used to get the ruler/yardstick when I went to Catholic school. :rofl


The kid’s a pussy.

That hoodrat is a teacher?

fucking ghetto piece of shit…

hahah why you hatin on the teacher, that lil kid is a fuckin brat