

Give Choda a run then :tup:

If not, I’ve gota take you off the > thread…

:tup: keep’em in check

I’m not done racing. I have been very busy lately. Plus I had to order new tires in back because mine were down to chords and I didnt think it would be safe to go out racing with them like that even though I probably would have been alright for a night but ya never know so why chance it.

Not to mention…Choda wants to run me from a dig. Thats a completely different chain. He is in no position to run me from a roll since I beat a car he lost to. I’ll give choda a run because I’m a nice guy like that. I just am not guna launch the car hard with a stock rearend. I’m not backing down choda is just being a pussy once again. He was a pie last year and HAD to have it his way from a stop. He wasted a good 2 miles of open road while we were pacing eachother from like 30 yet he is out roll racing just about everybody else. And he is willing to roll race just about everybody else except me because he know he will get BURNED. I dont want to take part in the dig chain. Doesnt look like many other poeple do either. PRIMARY chain FTW :tup: Choda tells me to man up…Well I will after he does. And since Chode is 2 spots behind me in the Main Chain I think a little wager is needed here because technically I dont owe him a race and him calling me out to a dig should have no consequence on me being taken off the roll chain.


Step it up Chode. Pwn this dude from a roll :tup:

i belive you said the only mods u were doing to your car this year was setting it up for the track correct? run him @ the track then…just feather it out of the hole like oroc used to on his regular raidials

:tdown: Run him from a roll and lets see which car is faster not which car has more traction :bloated:

There’s a reason the dig chain is pretty much dead. Roll racing is where it’s at son :wink:

I think a little wager is needed here
How much of a wager to get this going? I’ll put up some bucks. I’ve got 100 bucks on Choda from a dig. I think a roll will be too close to call, so i’ll put up 50, on Choda.

bottle to bottel the FmF car from a roll will put a hemisphere on chod

ill match your hundred by taking fmf

no way in hell … Choda should be top dog on the roll chain … just because of everyone elses broke dick cars

First On Race Day…

ill match your hundred by taking fmf

The 100 wager was from a dig. 50 from a roll.

ill bet you 50$ from a roll

didnt you know its not about who wins the races or has a running car its all about who people cry about more

10,000 pennies on choda dig or roll!!! Get um boy!!

ill roll with ya mofo, just so u can say ," ohh i beat Choda again"

i already told everyone that youd pwn me from a roll. :tup: thats fine ill keep the bottle full for our real race.

and just so everyone knows, id almost be willing to bet against me in the dig too, his car is fast, i just wanna see how much closer, if any, it will be with me on the bottle this year. another thing, if you go in the center lane again u are disqualified. :rofl:

1st race - dig.
2nd race - roll.

:tup: to 1 person from fmf thats willing to race, when and where.

Probley because he is the only “1” person in FMF :smash2:

we are the DiRtY SHanChez

I’m the only one worthy of the FMF name. The rest of the cars were not nearly as fast as me no matter how much money they sunk into their motors :wink: Not to mention when was the last time ya heard of a good kill story from anyone else in the old group other than me. I was the one racking up the kills against the other fast cars on the board, nobody else. I think I carried everyone far enuff.

And choda learn how to fuckin read man!!! I am not doing a dig. I’m not heating up my tires and putting all sorts of stress on my car to launch it. Making me pussy it out of the hole is pretty lame to have to do because you lack the balls to just agree to a roll. You will gladly bully up on an SRT4 from 50 rolls and swing your dick around afterwards yet no roll race against the big bad nova your supposedly guna smoke. Your car runs 10.5’s at almost 130 grow a pair already. I drive a 1979 granny car what are you so scared of?

And we can do this when my tires come in, get mounted, and I’m free. Shouldnt be all that long. Accept or Decline. And if you want a dig or ask for it again the deal is off and you can live with the fact you passed on the chance to avenge your loss from last year.

Well my stereotypes are all clusterfucked. A big block domestic refusing to race from a dig? :stuck_out_tongue: Makes sense though. It would suck to break your shit. Do you have any future plans to build the car to be able to handle all your power at a launch?

Ofcourse but like I said plans changed. The motor, trans, and chassis are pretty well built to handle the beating. The rearend isnt totally pussy its an 8.5 10 bolt but the car puts down some mean rwTQ and stock axles are only guna handle so much so many times before they snap. Not to mention my stock posi unit has had it. Probably next year the rearend will go in.