:tup: I remember seeing your nitrous dyno posted a while back. Fucking nuts.



haha :word:

:blah: your still crap…~Team DiRtY SHanChez~

Choda will win from a dig and justin will win from a roll. Now you dont need to race.

Dont :blah: me because I’m right. Your brother has 15k under the hood yet couldnt pull me on motor with my timing down for the N20. Now thats fucking sad. Post the vid man show everyone what a $7k ALL MOTOR BBC will do to a Blown and intercooled $15,000 engine setup with all the bells and whistles put together by u retards. PLEASE DONT SPRAY JUSTIN WAH WAH WAH!!!. I’m glad I spent less than half the money for way more dependability, a car that doesnt need to be worked on everyday and a car that doesnt run like shit- snap, crackle, and poppin its way down the road. I’m leakin boost, I’m leakin boost!! HAHHA And your car…where is it again? Still on jacks? Sweet tranny where can I get one? You guys talk alot of shit yet beat nobody thats fast. Let me repeat that. YOU GUYS BEAT NOBODY THATS FAST. Wheres all your kill stories of the 10 sec cars? Vids? Whacha got? Your nuthin but a bunch of heros who rode along with me when I was doin the ass whoopin. Let see how big of a name your new little group makes without me in it. May as well just join team wicked and save yourselves the hassle.

And dont worry about who will win between me and Choda from whatever speed. Just know that no1 in ur “crew” could take either of us, from any speed.


since when did the mofo’s turn on each other?

this thread is going places! :tup:


Since I became a “bad friend” and “changed.” When honestly I was just tired of dealing with them. They got mad when I started ignoring their phone calls and not hanging out with them so they decided to stop talking to me yet its funny to see who cracked first with the text messaging and PMing trying to be buddies again. I’ll give ya’s a hint. WASNT ME. Now I get texts saying I’m guna get called out and made to look like a bitch. Who’s car you guys guna borrow? Cuz none of your piles of shit can touch my car with fouled spark plugs in it. And now I’m getting threatened because they got dirt on me. OHH NO OHH NO!!! I’M SO SCARED. I doubt my Fiance is going to listen to anything these humpjobs gotta say.

You should have really stayed in school. Your cars been on jacks for about 2 months or shud I just say since ya took that loan out for it. And you wish you never MET me…learn to spell/proofread so we dont have to decode what your trying to say.

But anyways back on topic. CHODA: You can take that shit out of your sig anytime now cuz I will race you or shud I just say show you my tailights. Put up that money son your man enough to 50 roll an SRT4 now run something more your speed or are you scared?

:word: what is the world coming to!


:lol: weak sauce, i didnt bulley up on a srt 4, i raced a car that was equal or even with me, UNLIKE YOU. and i did not swing my dick around, after i won, UNLIKE YOU, you are team fmf, and they will not be anything without princess justin. I said i will race your race UNLIKE YOU 40 or 50 roll whatever. You are not willing to race me, because there is a tiny, 1% chance, i will win, and big bad pixie dust nova would then have to be sold outta state, and justin would never been heard/seen again. stop being a fag and run the car u spent the last 7 years building and spending money on to be fast.

fmf you let us all down if you dont race me.

even Turbo civics are gonna run me from a stop.

I have no problem giving Paul the credit for hookin my car up. God knows I wasnt nearly as motivated to do half the shit to my car as he was. And Paul was the only one I’d want to touch my car. The rest of you are a bunch of hacks.

And the only reason you have a car PERIOD is because your daddy gave your stupid ass a job and signed for your loan because he knows your too retarded to get anywhere in life by yourself. Your dad gave you a job and your bro gave you a place to live. What have you accomplished on your own?

And the only thing you have probably done on your car alone is change your plugs and oil. If anything remotely difficult needs to be done you guys are on the phone with Jim, Mcclure or Dauria because you guys aint got a clue!

yo bitch this aint no FMF cry baby thread.

race me or STFU.

LOL … Great shit

Whatever bitch its obvious you know whos faster since your pussin out like I knew ya would. You know my deal…No digs…If you want some u’ll ROLLLL with me. If not then STFU and stop wasting my time already. I’m agreeing to give you a rematch if you aint guna take it then quite cryin and live with that loss boiiii




WAH WAH WAH…Try to out traction the Nova. Why you callin me out man. To try and weazle yourself a win. Put it this way dickweed. If I had a beefy rearend that could handle the launch of 570 N/A rwtq then I’d blow ur fuckin doors off from a stop and shut you up. But the fact of the matter is I have stock axles and a stock posi that barely holds. And whats the point in me lining up if I gota pussy foot it for 100 feet. yea thats cool not. It’s fine when I spin all over but I havent been stupid enuff yet since I put a BBC in my car to heat the tires and launch it hard and I’m not guna start because of you. I got nuthin to prove to you. I already beat you. Remember :slight_smile: If you wana try and strut ur shit and talk all this FASTMOFO wont race me shit then u best be ready to STEP UP TO THE PLATE! My game. THE ROLL. Take it or leave it.