
Another time? Your memory serves you wrong pal cuz u never had to sac to roll race me once EVER.

lol you sound like a honda owner.

Yea be proud of that. Make sure to tell your kids (that is if u ever find a girl to stick around with your brainless mind long enough) how you were too stupid to do anything yourself so you needed your family to carry you along. And yea you signed for your own load? Spellcheck dude give it a try sometime.

And yea you were real smart cutting grass before daddy hooked ya up. Atleast I’ll have a college degree and wont have to depend on someone else to keep me employed my whole life. Enjoy working that hourly job moron cuz ull be doing that shit for the rest of your life.

And what you got to show for that baller job? A car not even close to paid for? Plus you live with your brother and his girlfriend. Sweet deal lemme tell ya! I got my own place bitch! And a car that will ruin all yours with ease which is paid in full, and a new stuntbike PAID IN FULL, And a couple trucks PAID IN FULL, daily beaters PAID IN FULL, stang PAID IN FULL…but nuthin that compares to your baller status ofcourse.

:mamoru:This thread sucks.:eyebrow:

I thought I was gonna get to read about a couple of big dawgs duking it out and end up reading big dawgs bitching it out.

One of ya wants a dig race, the other can only roll race. Apples != Oranges. Therefore, no race. /drama

Now I’ve got to go find something else to fill my shallow life. goes to find a hobby


ugh a battle between the lovers

Choda thought he would try to make me look stupid by calling me out to a dig when he knows damn well Im not doing them until my shit is ready to handle the abuse. Breaking my car and having god knows what happen if sumthin breaks isnt worth it to me. Not to mention I’d rather not be forced to do a rearend when the one I got is working just fine for the races I like to participate in. If this guy wants to man up he will go from a press. Maybe even a slow press because like I said I’m a nice guy. If he doesnt wana do it then he can stop his cryin already and this thread can be locked.


Cutting grass is for people with no brains. Thats why you liked it so much. And yes my FIANCE has a 4 year degree on her way to a 6 year. And I will have my 2 year very soon and then on my way to a 4 year. Oh big deal she helped me out with school after I was away for 2 years. But atleast I got back into it. Who do you think takes my tests and quizzes for me? Who shows up to school everyweek? Who does the 10 minute oral presentations? Not her.

And wow I smoke up OH MY GOD NOT THAT. Doesnt mean much to me coming from an alcholic. And yea my dad pays for my house riiiiiite. You can call him up and ask him for urself and he will laugh at u. Yea my dad bought me everything. I just work 45+ hours a week for my health. And your so very wrong about your car being worth all my “pos’s” What did that car cost ya 10 grand, 12 maybe? I forgot you dont know how to add so you probably would think your car is worth more than all my stuff. Too bad if ya sold ur car youd be giving that money to a bank dumbass wheresas the money from my sales would be going into my pocket.



Why does everybody else have to put their two fuckin sense into every thread? “This thread this, this thread that”, “you sound like this”, “Hey Fastmofo, your too this or your to that”, “Choda , your the blah blah blah” This is why you all cry about 10 or 15 pages of drama, cause your all adding 8 pages of your own stupid fuckin comments. STAY THE FUCK OUT OF IT. Let Team FMF or lack there of and Choda battle it out. The thread says Team FMF callout, leave it at that.
I Like Choda too but for the love of god give him a break and stop swingin from his nutts. And FASTMOFO proved himself to everybody on here already so stop hating on him cause he doesn’t wanna break his shit.

Wow… flash back to ubrf…

DAMN … now thats a screen name i havent seen in a LONG time

All hail the king of assclowns

Hey, congrats! :tup:

and slow tootsie roll brown camaros…

That blow belts off and overheat while runnin them down the T-Way

:yum: :yum: