You’re all jealous

Listen here snow flake, didn’t you drive a saturn :eyebrow:

justin man not trying to piss ya off here or anything but if everything is paid off that you own and your doing good with $ why dont you just buy a 12 boldt and go pwn chod from a dig? muscle cars are not meant to race from rolls man. i think ud have alot more fun in your car being able to pound on it from a dig

Why don’t you all run at the track with the Christmas tree from a dig. That is what drag racing is all about. The thruway doesn’t feel safe at 150 mph especially if you have slicks on the back. I think Choda is the only one who actually has times to prove his car is fast. Everyone else just claims they have a fast car with no slips.

I am not taking sides…But this makes sence to me :gotme:.

Why not roll race this year, then when you are set up for the dig then dig race? you are both young and got plenty of damn time to wait till next year. This arguing over whose faster is like back in elementary school when “my daddy will beat your daddy’s ass”.

your car will never hook good enough on the street to break an axle or some shit like that id rather do that than hot lap the hell out of my car down some road over and over thats just stupid and traction issues at 100 mph thats no fun either ill never do that again

lol I love how everyone is on his case to buy a 12bolt…Maybe he has other things to spend money on then a 12bolt…

I also love the fact the doesnt want to break anything while racing from a stop…and none of you can accept that fact…trying to make people fuck their cars and possibley them selfs up over a stupid race.

I dont get why you guys just dont go from a slow roll like a 15mph roll :gotme:

Wow so much anger. Im sorry that I didnt just buy some “Done up” Big block off one of my friends for 4k, throw it in and be MR SICK FAST. Plus who tuned that motor of yours, was it you?? Dont think so… Thanks to Joenova and Paul (RIP) your fast… Big deal… When my car is done I will show you how slow I am. Dont worry soon enough we will run, and theres no backing out now because you’ve dedicated a whole thread to how slow your old team mates are. Just like typical Justin, Taking all the glory away from everyone, jumping up and down shouting “Look and Me, Look at Me!”… I’ve been building my car for 2 years now, and yes its had its share of problems. If you did your own shit you might know of a very important thing called “patients.” It will all be worth it in the end. And I enjoy working on it.

*Thats all Im saying, this whole thread is retarted Justin. Lock this bullshit. Its really a shame when friends have to go online and bitch, bitch, bitch… Instead of being a man and saying shit in person… O and justin the only reason I started talking to u again is because JoeNova made me feel bad about us not all hanging out when he was back… I figured after 2months of not talking to you that maybe u would have seen the errors of your ways… Guess not…

team fmf: eating itself apart from the inside lol

mcclure left? no shit…was wondering why i never saw him around anymore…

  1. patience is spelled as such listed to the left. patients go to a doctor’s office.

  2. only 1 word can describe this thread… LOL

  3. that 69 camaro is sweet, get it out and running strong.

  4. “teams” obviously fall apart when people develop egos or don’t want to help out. not saying that this has happened here, but from my own experience…

  5. who cares if no one wants to race a specific way or what not. seriously WHO CARES? there are more important things in life, such as, ANYTHING ELSE.

am I the only one that see the irony…?

That’s great that you put togehter a car for less money than the other guy…but when you’re dropping $7k on a motor what’s and extra $1k for a rear end??? You brag about how well your car runs but you really didn’t finish building the car, which is fine since it’s your money…but coming from the outside as I don’t know you…I’ve been reading about your car needing a rear end for well over a year now and you still haven’t taken care of that. Guess I’m curious why you didn’t finish building one of the cheaper components of your car if the rest is so well put together:gotme: . You have all this potential with a big torque motor but aren’t getting the most out of it.

The car was lacking a much needed roll cage and rearend. First thing this year I got the cage installed. But then I moved out and there went some cash. Then I bought another bike and paid for it cash so I wouldnt have to make a bike payment anymore. So there went more cash. For a car I barely drive at the moment I dont feel like spending the money on something that is already working. It would be sweet to have a solid rearend but I plan on doing alot more than just a 12 bolt once it comes time to “do up the rearend.” And its guna cost alot more than 2 grand to do all this. So I am guna wait some more if I have to. Ive sunk a decent coin into it yes but like you said its all done just a rearend to do. Besides I like roll racing better as far as the street goes. I like to mash it and see whos faster not who spun less. So for now it stays…I could do axles and a posi on this rearend but do I really wana drop more money into a 10 bolt???

2ndly Mario…How many times have I heard from you that your guna be sick fast, beat me, beat everyone. Make 700+rwhp no less yada yada…
yea when your car is done you’ll show me:blah: you have showed me how slow you are everytime we raced. You were close once due to the worst possible combo for a 406 ever but I still had a bottle to put you away with. And the NA BBC vs you was just funny if you ask me.

thanks man couldnt have said it better myself. Choda. If you wana run I’ll do a press with ya for some cashola. Nothing crazy but something to cover gas, n20 and ya know make it a little interesting. Mainly cuz you called me out knowing my deal yet got into it again anyways…But if ya want your race just post back and say if your game or not. If not thats cool man then just take that ish outta the sig kk


How strong is the 8.5-inch 10-bolt? Well, let’s put it this way: Both Dave Henninger and Kurt Urban run these 10-bolts (with spools) in their respective Camaros. Henninger has run as quick as 8.68/151 mph, while Urban’s Camaro runs 9.20s/145. Henninger has never broken a gear and has logged hundreds of runs. That should settle the question of durability.

But i’d still go with a 9" ford just so you never have to worry about it and the ability to change center sections is nice,that article just proves that 12 bolts are not that great and swapping one in wouldnt really be giving you anything more than you’ve already got.Ford 9" FTW.

I say Race or LOCK. this drama is stupid, I just read 6 pages for nothing.

thanks for adding to the drama and not helping.

your fault for reading. idiot. :tup:

^ hahahah.

youre such a tool. does that help?

:rant:Can’t we all just get along!!!? :wtf:


FMF > Chord… we all know this why waste time and drama…