team porno racing

team porno racing owns all of you!!!

cant fuck with the red

you are a porno red poser. you dont have “true” porno red

/:greddy: as u both

please the notch fool, or my old GT bitch

the force is strong and will dominate 06

porno red is teh gayest

drift is the gayest

you have to have a car that runs to drift, IIRC you couldn’t even do it let alone say its gay :booty:

mine runs… and drifting is gay

lets go from a roll, I want some of the porno red

my car runs and drifting is nothing more then a glorified fishtail

springtime im all yours

TWIN TURBO MUTANG= :owned: you aint got no chance cheeks

and one more thing


you forgot something…chad will be driving it so he still has a chance

shit chad is the king of roll racing though right??? so maybe I don’t have a chance

No, shaggy is the roll racing king

chads car should dominate all, overnite parts from porno red racing should do the trick.

that title has disminished when the mintstang died

what about the quikstang? Does it want some of the cheeks 240 too??

yea we could possibly do that once i get my DL back