technotic meda

I think you were just THAT guy that just hung around and considered himself part of "the crew

Thats me now.LOL.

hahah i think i remember hearing you say something like that and that show was fucking awsome, the rain made the show awsome … im under the tent trying to stay dry …but it wasnt happening

your just a cheepy old guy :ahh

yeah, but they know who you are…they have NO idea who this guy is :rofl

I think everyone was trying to stay dry but the tent kept blowing away even with all of us “manning” the sides!

The rain was coming in sideways, the rain made that show great. That was even before mike was a part of allstar graphics and i was overloaded with sticker work.

it was filling up the top with water and we kept having to “dump” the sides and it would just gush water every where…

I think I have a slight clue who this guy is if he se to post pics on old forums. Oh and I was not trying to stay dry lol

ahahahahha that show was awesome.

Coors light shirt- he’s always got one on

y is every forum diff for embeding a youtube vid…fuck.

ollie FTW!

“blacky weather forecast” :lol

and that show from '06 looked like a blast!