
oh boy… lots of fun!! I had a great time hanging out and drinking with sight n sound, huskysgrl, ecovenom, whitehotcl, and jcxcr4000.

i have close to 800 pictures to post up, I am will hopefully finish the new gallery tomorrow so you can expect them sometime tomorrow night.

it was a decent show, not very well organized and a lil pricey… the ricers were there in full effect as always but their were some cool cars to make up for them.

how was it compared to earlier years? was security real tight? lots of cops?

there definitely needed to be more security… ricers were doing dumb ass shit… i saw a 300zx go sideways turning down an aisle of cars almost taking out a few cars. i barely saw any cops except for on sat night when shit hit the fan outside. this STI just started spinning and the cops grabbed him out of the car and put his hands on his wing. it was funny i got pics, then their were people doing burnouts everywhere and fights.

damn, maybe theres still hope yet for that show! I guess you cant underestimate the power of thousands of stupid high school ricers.

i got some of that STi doing the cyclones on tape, i’ll have to check it out tomorrow see how well it came out. i heard he got some rediculous fine like 300 and 5 points! i mean come on, he didn’t have to do that but it was in a enclosed area at a CAR SHOW

whitey, can you send me the pics that Matt took? Zip them up or something and send them to my hotmail account? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Last Card! Four 4’s :smiley:

:asshole :dunno: :booty: To WHITEY— :madfawk: FOR MAKING UP RULES WHILE WE WERE PLAYING

anyone get pics of the medium cherry 00 deville on spinners? thats my boy and he won third in his class

we probably have it on one of 4 cameras (ours, Matt’s, Brad’s, Whitey’s)

yeah i saw it… to many people around it for me to get a picture of it.

I just scanned through Matt’s pics and didn’t see it… but they will be up tonight if you want to look through them again. :dunno:

carlise sucked… damn fiber fenders were gone, drove up just for them

You were there, Sailor? Should have called me. I was there all weekend.

I saw a Pittspeed shirt, but I don’t know who anyone is on here.

I was talking to someone from the Pittsburgh area w/ a UPS brown Integra.

It was an alright show. Too damn long on Saturday, though.

yeah, thats a reckless driving citation. He’ll also lose his license for 6 months. :hs:


Did you ever think that thats one of the reasons these shows get shut down or forced to move and so forth. Christ last year the tekademics STi was doing the same thing and hit that dude’s car that was showing. I would have been pissed. You may not car but some people do.

Shit happends and its unpredictable. You never know when somthing is going to go wrong or happen when you didn’t plan it to.

lots of bewbie pics??? :x:

cars shows usually brings out the idiots

like dumb asses that do burnouts in their V-6 camaros???:finger: