teensy++ FTW

Just got my new microcontroller in the mail, time to set us up the bomb!


What exactly is this controlling?

bombs duh

odbII simulator?

It is controlling whatever I tell it too :retard:

I drive a 1989 so if it does any type of OBD it will have to be 100% custom, but I do see that in this things future.

she only takes 5v to run stand alone and once it gets juice it runs whatever program I put on it.

AVR processor, 16 MHz
Processor AT90USB1286
Flash Memory 130048
RAM Memory 8192
I/O 46
Analog In 8

With those specs I can fly to the moon! :carnut

But serious right now I am waiting of my transmitter and receiver, for a final project in my digital electronics class we are basically making a wireless switching device, using two of these boards.

But throw some ideas out there, what would you guys use this for?