Teeter totter throw


I thought it was amusing.Who wants to try it?

hahaha stupid people

Im in.

What did they think would happen. :lol:

i’m sure they must have tricked that girl into it… she is probably one of those “omg you think i could really fly like a bird” kind of girls like OMG!

or one of those girls that is like “hey if i throw this ball… do you think it will hit the ground… or just stay up like gravity just turned off…”

She probably didn’t think she would land on her face and get giant splinters.:lol:

backstreet’s back

all right


EDIT: haha AWD, your sig = my life

that looked painful.

well, if that person is hurt they deserve it

That happened to me when i was little at the park…i was sitting on it and some fat prick jumped on the other end catapulting me into the air where i landed on my face…20+ stitches to the chin that day…and everytime i see one of those death boards I shudder…ooooooo how i hate playgrounds

:stuck_out_tongue: True story tho