Trampolines kick ass

Old college roomate was over for a BBQ & my older daughter got us in the trampoline. I think her phrase was somehting like “two goofy 30 year olds”. It just isn’t fun until someone gets hurt. :slight_smile: I have photos but they’re too embarrasing - my flip was pretty good though! I can imagine what my neighbors think.

i love trampolines

Here’s injury number one.

Big Guy >little Guy

you have work to do on Thursday. You aren’t allowed to get hurt. :smiley:

you are a funny guy jeff

i like the girls on the man show on the trampoline better

:rofl: Jeff i didn’t realize how tiny you really are :slight_smile:

looked fun :blue:


Good job with the vids. :bigthumb:

I like to think of it as having a high power to weight ratio. :slight_smile:

It’s funny how the girl managed to stay out of the way. :rofl:

That’s because she’s the smart one!

The vertical leap will take down team tall/big at BBQ v-ball!

I am the master of double bouncing people. Me, 185 pounds. My sister, 130ish, I can double bounce her over my head :D:D:D Great video BTW.

pics of said sister :naughty:

you should bring the trampoline to the bbq

:bowdown: now theres a bright idea :hsdance:

i would break it

trampolines own me

x2…i’ve been bawled up on a trampoline before also.

it would probably break me