Teh Fry is teh old.

Will do. :tup: I’ll miss my old glass window, cold cathode, antec case, ubernerd rig. :cry:

If my gigabyte works I’d sell it to you cheap.

Happy Birthday!

dude amd? dont be teh gay too.

Eh I loves my AMD’s. They’re like the Bills: They were good back when I was really getting into the sport, so now I just can’t stop rooting for them.

Happy Birthday

Little late but :bday:

^What he said.

LOLLLLL @ It is your Birthday.

Happy Birthday nyspeed’s fav mod!

Happy B-day, yesterday.

Did you do anything special?

At what age does it just turn into just another day for most people? I started not caring at 22.


Congrats, now you are 27.0027

I remember being 27.
I only had one kid :smiley:

Now that you are getting really old… The baby train is coming :stuck_out_tongue:

OT: $10 for old PC :smiley:

lol I’ll probably sell it, but if it’s not worth much I’ll just keep it and do something unintelligent with it.

Thanks for the good wishes guys. Yeah I didn’t do much yesterday. 27 is probably the first birthday where I actually got just a slight twinge of feeling old. Granted I’m in better shape now than I was at 26, but still.

still a sexi bitch

picture from the big party last night:

you’re gettin too old for this shit.


If you’re gonna go out, now’s the time. :smiley: Exclusive company.

I listen to books on tape while I’m at the gym. Exercise my mind while exercising my body. I figured I’d try to bring a little culture to nyspeed.


He really is old if he listens to tapes.

edit: Wow… a lot of people die at 27