Ten types of cars and the women they attract-


I am not a “Refined Hillbilly” or a “Tattooed Rockabilly” (ok well maybe a little) lol

and :crackup at Integra Girl hahahahahahaha

old school hot rod chick is fuckin hot!

I would have to agree with you on this one

I saw this on another forum and I came away with the exact same sentiment.

Yeah she could get it :giggedy lol

Thank God I do not look like “Integra Girl”. :errr

But then again, I wouldn’t exactly call the man’s car a “sensible” Japanese import either… nothing sensible about it.


the rockabilly chick is INDEED hot! totally agree.
the hippie girl is cute, i just HATE dreadlocks personally. the rest is easilly fixed.


A Grand Prix isnt a Japanese import.

And I’m not dating a kid that drives a Grand Prix anymore. :lol

News to me.

Don’t worry about it, it’s not like a new topic was made about it. :tong

Would do scene chick… :umm

Good thing, she’s gonna be all over your balls with that sweet stock Jetta of yours. ;D


Old school hotrod chick is a hottie too.

Ok, fine then I wont.

How many retarted girls acctualy know what ur supra is?

Ima laugh if the kid in teh stock VDUB next to urs pulls in more ass :ohnoes\

haha just playin