Terminator 4



rofl, ahhhhnold doesnt act anymore.

worthless without arnold

the studio better fucking recognize that without the governator, the movie will flop.

cliffs? no imdb @ work.

oh shit, is christian bale going to be a terminator? or john connor? he would definitely be a good terminator, he would just use the same character in equalibrium. but no arnold is gonna suck.

Even though Christian Bale has become super mainstream, he’d still kick ass.

Nothing is as good as T2 though…

this is going to be terrible

but ill probably go see it anyway

+1 and +1 :frowning:


and they should have bale vs statham. Because after reading about crank 2, he pretty much is a terminator

crank 2? where did u here about that?

EDIT: I found it, sounds intersting

2011 :slight_smile:
Let’s start the timer?

          <b>       Will Arnold Schwarzenegger be acting in this?      </b>


    No. His term as California's Governor ends in 2011, precluding him from any acting until then. Any appearance of Schwarzenegger will be in the form of pre-shot footage such as flashbacks to the first 3 films. He said during the 2003 recall that he would not act while in office.

What politicians say and what they do are 2 different things dear boy.
If the money is there he will do it, besides i don’t think AHHNOLD wants to the this series flop either.
