Test Driving : Etiquette or efff it

Teach a friend to drive stick on a dealer car:)

2 best testdrives ive ever had:

  1. boosted3g and i were out car shopping for him, he eventualy boughtthe eclipse, but we were at raylacks looking at a prelude, all black, manual, great condition and freshly washed. tom wants to test drive it

we had previosly been talking to the salesman, just shooting the shit about cars in gneral, we had even joked about how we were going to steal the s2k out of the showroom during the night (it was fully blocked in, easiest way out was to somehow jump the foot tall wall) the saleman was jokingly “helping us” plan the cars escape

so we take the lude out, i get to drive … YAY. i ask the salesman if im allowed to drive it like a mean it, he agrees. what follows can only be described as what would look like a criminal running from the police, only with no police involvement. salesman is holding onto the door and center console. calmly looks at me and says “you know, its the DRIVER that gets the ticket on a testdrive”

withou slowing down i just look at him and go “yep, i know, why ? something wrong?”

he was soooooo happy to get out of the car when we got back :rofl:

  1. my sister was car shopping, and there was a blue conquest for sale on a local 2 lane road. the road was under construction about 1/2 way down, and since a swath of tarmac missing, the road effetivly became 2 deadend streets that met each other.

teh car for sale wasnt registered, but i still wanted to see how it drove. so i asked if he cared if i took it down the street so i could romp on it and see how it pulled. he had no probs

i hope in and pull out intop the street, sister stayed behind …

i get rolling up to about 30 and then gun it … it pulled like a geo metro

get back and my sister was like “well that looked slow, did it even spool?” look on the guys face was priceless, he wasnt expecting a short skinny emo girl to talk cars

def. beat on it at the dealer… until they start yelling or say “slow down”

it’s not yours. you don’t have to buy it. have fun. :slight_smile:

:lol:haha , anyone else got any more test drive stories to share?

All you people saying “Beat on them,” how would you feel if sxomeone was abusing the shit out of your car and then said, no I don’t want it…

Driving a car hard and beating on a car are REALLY different things, and that should certainly be clarified further in this thread…

beating on them = not caring if you hit potholes, clutch drops, burn outs, locking up the brakes

driving hard = hard accelation w/o loosing traction, quick cornering etc etc

see post 16