Dumb comments from car dealers.


Whilst looking at an evo 9 (same salesman as eclipseblur):
“This car is fast”
“It has rocaro seats”

“i really like fish/i bought a new apartment/check out these fish/i have a pretty nice car…it’s a 2002 accord, auto… gonna put a body kit on it, maybe throw a little money in the engine”

While looking at the STi:
“This car is fast”
“You will never blow this motor”

me-“i wanna test drive the SVT.”
them- “sorry we can’t allow that…”
me-" uh…i ment the focus"
them- " oh, oh, ok right away sir!!"

While looking at the STi:
“This car is fast”
“You will never blow this motor”


You should have quoted him on that

While looking at RSX’s
“So, the type-s’s have variable valve timing on both intake and exhaust valves?”
Salesguy: “Hmmm…yeap, she’s definitely got VTEC.”

While looking at STi’s
Salesguy: “These tires, they’re practically like flypaper. You’ll need em to hold back your 300 horses so you’re not flying off the road!” :bloated:

Looking at an SVT Lightning

Dealer: “This truck is crazy fast. Its the same motor as the F150 but tuned to 400hp”
Me: “Oh yeah?”
Dealer: “Yup”

For those who don’t know, the Lightning is Supercharged and made 360hp in the model year I was looking at.

At a used car dealer many years ago.

Dealer: “This car will get you ladies.”
Me: -
Dealer: “Ask Joe over there. He took the car out last night. Joe, were the ladies checking you out in this thing last night?”
Joe: “Yeah definately”
Me: -
Dealer: “Its pretty sweet”
Me: -

The car in question was a 94 Cavalier Z24

i totally checked out a guy in a z24 last night. it was the balls, man!


Of course, who wouldn’t!?!?

“its got a strong transmission”

right before i bought the GTP and blew the tranny the next day…

so if you couldent get an evo, would you consider an eclipse? have you seen it? its pretty sweet. :wat around the corner of a car, eclipse comes into view: dealer- there, take a look at that (in a voice like he is so impressed with the car)


HAHAHAHA what a bunch of homos

test driving the RX8:

dealer : “feel free to beat on it…ok maybe not that much”

at mitsu dealer with newman

sales guy: now the evo 9 does come with the 8 vortex generators
newman: yeaa
sales guy: now are you familiar what the votex generated does
newman: umm yeaa kinda…
sales guy: well it directs all the ait to stay over the spoiler
newman: yeaaaaa
sales guy: yea. its pretty sweet. you should check outt he video, its soo cool

“I haven’t dealt with many SUV imports but this one is definately pretty nice.”

~Dealer talking about the Jeep that I ended up buying.

while test driving a mustang cobra at a stop sign:
dealer: “go ahead give it some gas, it really picks up”
me: “really?”
dealer: “yeah, GO FOR IT”
me: launch
dealer: “ow ow my neck”
and he proceeded to bitch about his neck for 20 minutes and told me it’s ok it was his fault, but i left that cry baby and went on my way.

thats hilarious lol

when talking to a guy at Paddock about a WS6 i was gonna buy, then carfaxed it and showed it to the salesman, so i had proof it was in an acident:

Me: so has this car e ver been in an accident?
him: oooo no, never, this car is in pristine shpae, not a scratch on her!
me: (hands over the car fax) so what about this? carfax says it was totaled and rebuilt
him: thats a lie! you’re trusting carfax? thats wrong, we know everything about this car. we’re the biggest chevy dealer in NY, y would we lie to our customers?

Looking at my car:

“High Quality Hubcaps”


rofl, that is dumb. who would describe anything on that POS as “high quality”