testing waters.

thanks…thats pretty much what im thinkin too…but i figured i would throw it out there…

need cash asap…

come on someone buy this as a nice daily… i need cash.

4500 firm…need this thing gone yesterday…leaving for florida next month and need cash…

might trade it for 02 civic si with 80k and an rsx 6 speed tranny…anyone interested in buying that? it has intake header exhaust

3250 cash for the integra

just turned down 4000…i will sell it to you for 3250 on steelies and with no supercharger…

no thanks… I’m just looking for a new daily and didn’t want to spend that much anyway… I figured if you’d let it go for that much I might as well buy it though… I have two weeks to find something but will buy today if its the right deal…

Buy my Husqvarna for a daily :lol

been there, got in trouble on that… haha…

I still miss that bike…

I just got done with all my court nonsense. $200 for a lawyer, and $350 in fines and fees. Oh, and 2 points on my license. Not too bad I guess, lol.

you got off cheaper than I did.

$535 in fines, $200 lawyer, $135 impounded bike, 2 points…

come on guys i have sold stock ls tegs for 4500…

its on ebay go buy it

im top bidder… :excited

what is the reserve anyway?

lol thanks…reserve is 4200…i will sell it for 4000 on steelies

my bid wont reach reserve anyway…

my hunt for a new daily continues…

damn it…lol i need this thing sold in like a week… have to buy plane tickets

do you still have the stock suspension and would you be willing to put it back in? What about the stock exhaust?

my offer still stands and I can have cash in your hard in a matter of minutes…

i dont have stock parts for it…and i cant take that low… lowest i can go without killing myself is 4000 on steeelis