TF2 Pyro Montage

As some of you know, I’m pretty big into TF2, me and my roommate (rizzilio in the footage) decided we wanted to make a video of us kicking ass. Thought maybe someone on here would enjoy it. (shitty quality) (Better Quality)

Stage 6 rules so hard.

Anyway, can you post up a soundtrack that you used for that?

Nice :tup: the pyro rules in close quarters combat

Love the pryo, even if it doesn’t have the IC anymore :slight_smile:

What is tf2? also good song.

team fortress 2

Gotcha, thanks.

Soundtrack goes as this:

Strapping Young Lad- Love?

Pendulum- Granite

Dope- March of hope

Prodigy- Breathe

Pendulum- Blood Sugar


Ok I just watched this again, and during that one scene on the last cap point of the 2nd dustbowl map, how the hell did Rizz manage to get behind the red team like that without anyone turning around?

i was hoping you guys would atleast be good :-/


Tg, if you look at the next scene you see my viewpoint. We went over together and I was the target of the heavy, medic, soldier. They go after me and he goes behind during the chaos.


Why aren’t you on anymore? Every time I see you on steam you are playing CoD4.

^ because cod4 > *

pc > ps3 for fps.

epic fail


haha oh I play, your just busy playing something gay like condition zero

You must have me confused with someone else.

<— Doritos, and i play tf2 exclusively now

Well cmon and play in my server!!

BOOSH 24/7 AWESOME server

ill have to try that out.

im a big fan of the UBered pyro for clearing out sentry strongholds.