thank you escalators

for destroying crocs and all that wear them!

haha… agreed. For kids younger then 8 fine… Anyone else = gay

AHA! i knew the escalator companies hated those dam things as much as i do…


the plan is nearly complete…

At least they came up with a plan before it became a problem. :tup:

“That kid is on the escalator again!!!”


They are allowed on a BOAT that’s what they were made for, they aren’t made for everyday use and this proves it


AHA! i knew the escalator companies hated those dam things as much as i do…


the plan is nearly complete…


didnt i see you wearing crocs at the mall last night?

right up there with wearing sandals to a crowded bar or event

WTF did you think was gonna happen

i saw an 80 year old man wearing those at the hospital… i also hate those sandal things