Thanksgivin eve? Where ya goin?! 21+

Perfect night for Uggs…yeah right.

fucking lamest boots evar!!!


LADY 5 0 counseling skille for the win

glad its raining… hopefully it keeps some of the D-bags inside tonight.

dumb move of the night so far goes to my 4 friends who are 19, 20 and 1 who has a gf who is 17… they go to Canada and get refused at boarder. the customs guy asked were they are going and they said wild mushroom and he goes with a 17 year old and he searched the car and wallets and took her fake and sent them back to the US… dumb asses… should of said they were going to the hard rock or Clifton hill

I hope you remembered to pack your grass skirt and coconut shell bikini.

:picard: they werent limited to downtown. striped button downs outnumbered girls 4-5:1

Went to the Filling Station in Akron. Good times. Got to see a bunch of people I graduated with that I don’t see very often. :tup:

cyotes was fun , so many woman, so much liquor. where was my bitch brendansi at? argh. i made up for what you could have had. lol

haha douchebags are everywhere!

i hit up deko lounge w/ da crazy ray last nite, 3 or 4 (can’t remember) bottles of goose, and other substances = me pwned today

yeah… I drank 13 beers and a shot of soco. Not much, but I was dumb and happy.

Being a light weight and not spending alot on booz to get drunk > all.

ratio was horrible though, every halfway decent one had 3 dudebros all up on her

i danced all night with this hot azn dood :thankyou: :mamoru: NYC ftw

Edit: Err, this is now howie :snky:

:lol: Poor Howie

You didn’t get at me until late. I was ready. I went to a show, and then got into a fight. It was a decent night.

anybody check out juxtaposse at club w? i was behind the bar and they put on one hell of show i must say. i then proceeded to make my way down chippawa where i saw mass amounts of dudes being thrown into the streets by bouncers and the cops were cleaning up the mess.

allen was paaaacked. saw a bunch of people from high school and summer camp at hardware, was kind of odd.

pink was so packed they were only letting people in as others left.

woke up this morning, my buddy from cleveland had to go back soon so we all (my roommate, myself, and 2 guys who slept on our couches) started drinking beers at noon. haha. I was sleeping again by 2.

last night I didn’t even go out til 12, I feel asleep after the sabres game

I’ve seen them before…they are pretty good. Funny thing is, I was asked to audition as thier new drummer a few years back, not quite my flavor though.

sabres game in a box with disalvo then out to pearl st.

Went home, local bar. College town was dead so the ~20-25 people in the bar were all people I knew from highschool. Good times.